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~ ∞ ~ About This Book 1/3 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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Somewhere, somewhen, someone realized that everything is nothing with a twist and vice versa. From this realization arose a desire to know more, and so was the wish sent out into the universe: it would be fantastic if there would be a book about everything and nothing and everything in between. Whether that wish was shouted out loud somewhere on a mountain top, or silently whispered in someone’s prayers – it was heard and fulfilled; and it just happened to be that someone, somewhen, somewhere decided to write that kind of book – this is that book.
Even though this book is a response to that wish, it doesn’t mean that all the answers to Life’s questions are laid out for all to see – answers are found somewhere between what may be possible and what may be probable; somewhere in between meaningful and meaningless. Life’s secrets and the containers are invariably intertwined and paired together – answers lie hidden beneath appearances, which means that the questions and answers are separated only by imagination and abstraction.
This goes on to say that in the hands of those who are not equipped with the needed inner faculties, the book is as meaningless as life without an afterlife; and in the hands of those who see beyond the mere limits of the physical realm, the book is as meaningful as life and death combined, for they are the same – greatest mystery of all – see?
In other words, this book is as meaningful as it is meaningless, as useful as it is useless, as purposeful as it is purposeless. And for that reason, this book may appear to be full of paradoxes, while at the same time being a paradox in itself – after all, it is a book about everything and nothing and everything in between. Hence, one of its key elements is contradiction, which is the perfect vehicle to capture the essence of life in all its purposeful purposelessness.
You see, life itself is the path, not the goal – when we drop the goal, the emphasis will be on the path. In other words, there really is no becoming – we merely discover what we truly are as we walk the path that life lays before us – you see, we cannot become that which we already are. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here – all in due time, as they say.
Now, let us return back to the concept of paradox, just for a bit, shall we? Let me ask you this: Is it not true that life is a paradox, too? For there would not be life without death, nor death without life; light without darkness; harmony without high and low notes, nor living things without female and male, which are opposites; and herein lies the key: one implies the other, and if you take away one, you have to take away the other as well.
This leads us to an obvious conclusion: birth cannot occur without death, nor death without birth, which leaves us with an intriguing question: Can there be Life without birth? And further: Is Life the same as life? Even though there is a nuance of difference in the meaning – it makes all the difference; and if you pay close attention to this detail while reading, you might gain some valuable insight.
After reading all that, you may be wondering: to whom is this book written? Briefly speaking, this book is written for two types of readers: the first are those not yet acquainted with the mysteries of life, the mysteries of existence, and the mysteries of the quantum world – it is for those who feel the need for a systematic introduction. The second type of readers for whom this book is meant are those, already acquainted with such matters – it is for those who still cannot see how various aspects fit together into an intelligible whole.
More broadly speaking, this book is for those who have become aware that there is more to life than what they have been taught or experienced; that there is more to life and reality than meets the eye – a spiritual dimension, if you will.
This book is for those who are striving to explore new horizons; for those who aspire to go beyond what is accepted as the norm; for those who dare to push the boundaries beyond the accepted norms and conventions; for those who are ready and willing to go the extra mile to uncover deeper truths beyond appearances; for those who leave no rock unturned when seeking better ways of doing things; for those who have a genuine interest in the pursuit of Self-Mastery, you see?
On that note, here it should be made clear that this book is not a self-help book, neither is it a work of philosophy, nor yet another book on spirituality. Yet, paradoxically enough, it is all that and so much more; it is unlike anything you have read before: devoid of empty promises and cheesy platitudes. It doesn’t offer salvation or quick and easy ways to achieve success, happiness or fulfillment.
What it does offer though – is direction; you may consider this book as a compass that points to your true nature. It offers you a mirror to see your own reflection on an inner level; it offers you the chance to become something new, to transcend beyond limiting beliefs, ideas and concepts, which goes on to say that this book is more about dismantling concepts rather than adding new ones.
At the center of it all is the reader, like the universal sound “OM,” the very first vibration which became sound. It is said that the Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of “OM,” and hence it resonates within and radiates outward, warming the hearts of those in its path, dynamically creating and holding space for exploration and discovery. This book resonates with the vibration of “OM,” being a single key which holds the potential to unlock the treasure within, you see?
Indeed, it is you – the reader, who holds all the keys to the greatest mystery of all – Life itself, for you are the lock and the key. And for this very same reason, it is you – the reader, who is in the position of utilizing this book to its full potential – it is the way of the future. Soon, intellect alone will be way outdated, and quite frankly, primitive. When the individual combines the human intellect with their Inner Wisdom, then, and only then, will the fullness and richness of Life be of service to oneself and others.
And because the reader is in the driver’s seat, so to speak, the author of this book has absolutely nothing to teach anyone, as their role is only to show the way and nothing more. As such, there is nothing to prove and no need to convince anyone of anything. You see, the purpose of this book is not to give answers, but to raise questions that open up new perspectives – in so doing, readers may arrive at their own answers.
In other words, the purpose of this book is not to explain life, mind, or consciousness, anymore than it is to explain awareness, universe, or God; instead, its purpose is to spark the flame of curiosity and the will to discover one’s True Self; perhaps touch the Divine within, and who knows – maybe find God along the way – see?
This book is designed as an open system that you can explore in a wide variety of ways. However you choose to use the book, is up to you, but here is a word of encouragement: because this book is an open system, dynamic framework – you are invited to invent new creative ways of using the knowledge contained in this book in your life.
After all, it is the very purpose of this book to guide the reader into the field of their own genius. There are a variety of applications to which the information within this book can be applied, and a variety of ways in which it can be used – in general, there are three primary areas of use:
- 1.) Exploring the depths of our Infinite Being and Unlimited Creativity.
- 2.) Re-Structuring our life based on what we find in our exploration.
- 3.) Creating an alternative way to live (Lucid Living).
Furthermore, the purpose of this book is simply to provide a coherent conceptual framework that can help broaden the way we see the world and ourselves. This framework resides within everyone who comes into contact with this book. It is like a seed – when planted in fertile soil, it can bear the fruits of wisdom, peace, happiness, harmony, and virtues; it dynamically creates and holds the space for exploration and discovery.
The framework achieves this by deconstructing false assumptions, borrowed beliefs and imposed ideas; it achieves this by facilitating alternate perspectives beyond the narrow limits of conditioned perception – reorienting the ordinary everyday perspective we hold by pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
While the book is down to earth and easily understandable in its simplicity, it doesn’t hesitate to push the envelope just enough to gradually venture into the unknown. You see, exploration inspires us to discover what lies beyond the limits of the known. After all, it is this very desire for exploration that is one of the defining characteristics of the human species. The exploration of the universe of the unseen – our inner space, our own consciousness and awareness is the next great frontier; this unexplored world of consciousness – Innerverse, is where we discover our true nature – would it not then be worth exploring?
Through experiencing and exploring these inner realms, the author was able to gain insight and wisdom of the unseen world, which brings about the question: What did the explorers do after their expedition? After having asked that question, one has to wonder: How do we know what we know? How did we learn what we know? And so you see, that same underlying incentive behind those questions is what propelled the author to write this book – incentive to share and contribute to the greater good – for all of humanity; for the future generations – see?
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: About This Book 2/3 – Prologue: Part II ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"