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~ ∞ ~ About This Book 3/3 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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And because this work doesn’t fall into any existing category, it may be described simply as “conscious literature,” and it’s up to the reader to decide what that means. To truly comprehend what you are about to read, you need to have an open mind to discover something new and wonderful. While reading, do not rely on the words, but on the spirit of the words – in this way, you can get more out of the experience.
That said, it is paramount to emphasize the fact that the words used in this book serve one purpose only: to be a vehicle for something much deeper. You see, words are energy and they are capable of carrying frequency. Indeed, there is so much more happening in between the lines than in the lines themselves – this is the sound of silence, the absence of audible sound waves – the source of everything; we will go deeper into this in the next chapter, but for now this will suffice.
Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation. ~ Rumi
Indeed, there is powerful wisdom in silence, in nothing at all, for everything is a great expression of nothingness; a better suited word would be ‘emptiness’ or sunyata as it is called in Sanskrit. Nothingness is at the heart of freedom
, for without nothingness there would not be a sense of being free, and thus no experience of freedom.
You see, everything we cling to – limits our sense of being free, and in so doing, our ability to be free – see? On a deeper level, in the context of liberation, this means that everything we cling to must fall away – including all of our attachments to language, culture, belief, concept, identity, emotion, personal history, experience, memory, and knowledge.
In other words, if one seeks truth, freedom, liberation, true happiness and joy – their journey must in one way or another appreciate and embrace the process of unlearning and unbecoming everything they are not. When we have shed all the unnecessary layers, we discover that what remains is the experience of pure beingness.
You see, there is no becoming in being – there is just pure beingness. From this state of being, it is easy to experience the connectedness of all things; from this state of being, it is possible to be filled from within with pure awareness, which is key to everything. For the sake of analogy: when the container is empty, it can be refilled again – see? To follow this logic, we must return to nothing to become everything – the fullness can only come from within – this is the true meaning of transcendence.
It is impossible to describe what nothing is, yet the words and ideas describing it come out of this nothingness as if it’s attempting to describe itself. Nothingness itself is seen in everything because it is the subject of everything – without nothing there would not be everything. As an experience nothing is being “All There Is”
without a separate entity that experiences it – nothing is full of Life without any qualities assigned to it. As we can see, everything and nothing are the different sides of the same coin – nothingness and everything-ness in one Unity, better known as Life.
Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything. ~ Sri Nisargadatta
So in this sense, we can say that this book is about everything and nothing and everything in between. In other words, what is said doesn’t really matter, and what does is how the reader is able to receive this frequency. This gift of frequency is pointing directly to the Human Spirit, seeing into our true nature and being awakened.
Each word, sentence, paragraph, chapter, and section are pointing the way home – into the center of our heart wherein love, peace and connectedness reside. As you read this book, let all the wisdom nested within the experience flow into your heart and mind – to be unified and integrated into your being.
In closing, it is worth noting the following: because this book acts like a prism that brings into focus different aspects of Life, it can be seen in many ways. While some see it as a useful tool – a guide that can be applied to our everyday lives, others may see it as an anthology of philosophical, ontological and metaphysical perspectives.
Regardless, one of its goals is to provide an easily approachable description on the current state of humanity – an extraordinarily beautiful species that has so much potential, but is suffering from the human condition*1, and hence is stuck in their old, outdated and outmoded ways of thinking and being. This means that most humans live in a “survival mode,” which prevents them from tapping into their brilliance and inner genius.
*1 The Human Condition is a name given to a collective condition, which is traditionally being described as the unalterable part of humanity, not dependent on factors such as gender, race, culture or class; it includes concerns such as the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, and last but certainly not the least, an awareness regarding the inescapability of death – you see, of all living things, only humans suffer an awareness of their own mortality, which is the source of a great deal of emotional distress and pain.
*1 The Human Condition is a name given to a collective condition, which is traditionally being described as the unalterable part of humanity, not dependent on factors such as gender, race, culture or class; it includes concerns such as the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, and last but certainly not the least, an awareness regarding the inescapability of death – you see, of all living things, only humans suffer an awareness of their own mortality, which is the source of a great deal of emotional distress and pain.
Thus, I have done my best to present the ideas that will inspire you to trust in your own deep intuitions, to move beyond the box of orthodoxy, transcend beyond limiting beliefs, ideas and concepts, and see that we indeed live in a world full of feeling and meaning, and that the Cosmos is – after all, a magnificent Creation brimming with Eternal Spirit, Living Consciousness*1 and Living Awareness*1. In this way, this book explores some of the most deeply rooted notions about the nature of reality, and what it means to be a living, intelligent, conscious sentient being – in a vast, Infinite Cosmos.
*1 The terms Living Consciousness and Living Awareness arise from personal experience that best describe aliveness of the experience of being fully awake and aware whilst exploring the physical reality, the world and the human life by occupying the vehicle better known as the human body. These areas are explored in more detail in the sections titled CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS, respectively.
*1 The terms Living Consciousness and Living Awareness arise from personal experience that best describe aliveness of the experience of being fully awake and aware whilst exploring the physical reality, the world and the human life by occupying the vehicle better known as the human body. These areas are explored in more detail in the sections titled CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS, respectively.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: About Writing Style – Prologue: Part III ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"