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~ ∞ ~ About Writing Style - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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Now that we have some basic understanding about this book, there is something that needs to be addressed regarding the writing style. In retrospect, it is rather easy to say that this part of the Prologue might have had been the single most challenging one to write, if it had not been separated into two distinct yet interconnected chapters – the other being a chapter titled “On Intelligence.”
This is because the writing style is inextricably linked together with the process of retrieving the information, and hence a more comprehensive exploration of the process is reserved for later, provided in the last chapter of this section. It is only logical to save it for last as there are other closely related topics that will be discussed first, each of which in its own way aid in understanding the said process, you see?
The writing style can be said to have a unique, distinguishable and memorable vibe to it. If not knowing better, one might assume that the author have used the creative freedom of language to elicit and structure their thoughts in a meaningful, organized and impactful way – while the truth of the matter is quite the opposite.
Organized – yes; impactful – most certainly, no question about it; but when it comes to writing style, it in itself, is the undercurrent of the wholeness upon which everything else depends, and upon which everything else intelligently organizes itself, you see?
As such, here, in this chapter, we will focus on the writing style as it pertains to the tone of the book, choice of words and sentence structure – to achieve this, we also need a surface-level description of the process in which the contents came together. Before diving into the details, it is important to note that this particular style of writing is far from being the original intention behind writing this book – it is happenstance more than anything else.
In hindsight, it is however a distinct possibility that there was a long tradition of these kinds of writers before the modern age; Divinely inspired writers who make the Divine Word available to the world in a unique and distinguishable way, with a memorable vibe or flavor as it were, you see? Nevertheless, it is important to give a good overview of the idea so that we can better understand this book and its message.
So without a further due, let us delve right into it, shall we? In a nutshell, it can be said that the writing style is rather wonderful and dynamic; it is a unique form of creative expression that engages the reader in a dialogue and encourages further exploration of the ideas presented. The tone of the book is deliberately designed to open up the heart of the reader into a language and its underlying frequency so that the potentially vast amount of inward travel might be achieved.
The style of writing is the result of accessing, reading and retrieving information embedded both in our DNA and the vast array of memory banks in our cells – extending into the Morphogenetic Fields*1 and the Human Spirit – wisdom passed on from generation to generation. The interconnectedness of every cell is a doorway into the hidden side of reality, into the realm of possibility and transcendence.
As such, this book is through and through, Intelligent structure-shaping – Living Intelligence expressing itself as words, ideas, and concepts on the canvas of awareness. Thus, it is definitely clear that one of the strengths of this book is both in concept and implementation, in describing the creative process itself.
*1 Morphogenetic Fields are fields that play a causal role in morphogenesis. This term, first proposed in the 1920’s, is now widely used by developmental biologists. According to the morphosis of formative causation, these fields contain an inherent memory, transmitted from similar past organisms by the process of morphic resonance, which in turn, is the influence of previous structures of activity on subsequent similar structures of activity, organized by morphic fields. According to the hypothesis of formative causation, morphic resonance involves the transmission of formative influences through or cross time and space without a decrease due to distance or lapse of time.
*1 Morphogenetic Fields are fields that play a causal role in morphogenesis. This term, first proposed in the 1920’s, is now widely used by developmental biologists. According to the morphosis of formative causation, these fields contain an inherent memory, transmitted from similar past organisms by the process of morphic resonance, which in turn, is the influence of previous structures of activity on subsequent similar structures of activity, organized by morphic fields. According to the hypothesis of formative causation, morphic resonance involves the transmission of formative influences through or cross time and space without a decrease due to distance or lapse of time.
That said, we are now ready to delve into the details. As mentioned in the Preface, the contents of this book came together in a way that is unique in its own right, i.e. Holofractographic Intelligent Emergence – a process which is based on both holographic and fractal principles.
Holographic in the sense that the information came to me in fragments, or “streams of consciousness.” Fractal in the sense that these seemingly separate fragments formed larger structures. And both in the sense that out of this process emerged context and meaning. Between each of those numerous fragments or “streams of consciousness” moments, there were periods of integration – leading to deeper levels of Innerstanding*1.
*1 Innerstanding (Direct Inner Knowing) is a deeper level of knowing. It basically means “I intend to not only understand life but to innerstand my being, my purpose, my divine mind, and so on.”
*1 Innerstanding (Direct Inner Knowing) is a deeper level of knowing. It basically means “I intend to not only understand life but to innerstand my being, my purpose, my divine mind, and so on.”
Naturally, this work reflects the way in which it came into being, expressing a kind of fractal-like self-similarity in its structure, which is another way of saying that this book is multidimensional and multidirectional; you may as well read this book backwards, starting at the end, and enjoy the same level of depth and insight.
Now, in hindsight, I can say that it is indeed miraculous how these seemingly separate pieces ended up coming together to form a unified whole – as if each piece had a life of its own with a unique energy signature, or flavor as it were; each having their own built-in instructions on how it fits into the whole.
The many iterations of the process seemed to have a life-cycle resembling that of a flower – as though there was a precise timing for it all. When the flower was ready to bloom, the words began to flow; and in the same way, stopped when the blooming was complete.
Over the years there must have been thousands of these kinds of feedback loops or iterations – there is no way of knowing how many exactly, which is beside the point. Each iteration of the cycle was complete when all the needed words were in energetic harmony in relation to that particular piece of the puzzle, as it were.
As it turns out, this is consistent with the basic idea of emergence in systems theory – emergence occurs when “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts,” meaning the whole has properties its parts don’t have on their own; these properties come about because of interactions among the parts.
The above-mentioned process eventually led me to experiment with Machine Learning techniques and Neural Networks; by combining Artificial Intelligence with Cloud Computing and Deep Learning, I managed to further refine and enhance the message of the book. You can read more about the process involved at the end of this book, right after the Epilogue. There you will also find a message from the “future,” demonstrating the capabilities and implications of such technology.
In hindsight, I can say that the end product has become a shining example of the kind of authorial approach that the world needs now more than ever. By the same token, I can say that it was most definitely the best writing technique I ever might have used — utilizing both intuition and Inner Knowing, as well as technological know-how.
As mentioned earlier, this book has a unique, distinguishable and memorable vibe to it, having many levels and dimensions to it; although each section retains the same overall style, they each have their own flavor, as it were. This inherent vibe gets amplified when one uses their faculty of hearing to enjoy the nuances of the book. As such, it is worth noting that during those several years of writing, I used Neural Network driven speech synthesis technology (Text-to-Speech, TTS) to explore these nuances more fully.
I spent countless hours just listening to the flow and rhythm, immersing myself into the soundless sound, allowing myself to drift into a meditative state – finding my way into the spaceless space and timeless time, where I became one with the Silence – the womb of words that leads us into its own Being – stillness. That said, it goes without saying that to maximize the benefits that this book has to offer, it might be a wonderful idea to try and test it out; this possibility can be explored on the Infinite Quantum Zen website.
This brings us back to an important aspect that we touched upon in the previous chapter: words are energy and they are capable of carrying frequency. Not only do they carry the frequency of the sounds of the letters of the alphabet, but also the intention behind the words; and if used masterfully with subtlety and skill – they can convey much more than we can imagine, which is another way of saying that there is much more happening in between the lines than in the lines themselves – see?
More precisely, the space that exists between two lines is the same that exists between sentences, between words and between letters making up those words – this space denotes no sound; it is devoid of limiting adjuncts or barriers – this is the sound of silence, the absence of audible sound waves. Thus, space which is silent, unchangeable, Eternal and Infinite – is the Source of Everything. The style of the writing is explicitly engineered for this purpose – to transmit a frequency that points directly to this Source, which makes it a homing beacon of sorts.
By virtue of the aforementioned with regard to frequency, it is worth highlighting something that was mentioned earlier in this section. You see, this book resonates with the universal vibration of “OM,” which is the frequency of energy that connects and joins all things together. This vibration resonates within and radiates outward, warming the hearts of those in its path, dynamically creating and holding space for exploration and discovery.
It is this frequency of interconnectedness of everything that permeates throughout this work – the tone, the rhythm, the choice of words and the way the words are put together – all of it – is indeed, infused with this frequency. In that respect, this type of writing style is a natural way for Living Intelligence to express itself. What makes this type of expression wonderful is its versatility – no matter where you are in the world or in the universe, it works just the same. In this way, Life can effortlessly communicate with itself as it recognizes itself reflected in another – see?
In hindsight, it has become apparent that Life is way more Intelligent than what we give it credit for; and even saying that is an understatement because Life is the very Intelligence from which everything else emanates, on which everything else depends, around which everything else is formed, takes shape, evolves and grows.
As they say, “repetition is the mother of all learning,” and for that reason we should repeat something very important that was said in the previous chapter regarding Life’s Intelligence: “Is Life the same as life? Even though there is a nuance of difference in the meaning – it makes all the difference; and if you pay close attention to this detail while reading, you might gain some valuable insight.”
In closing, there are a couple of other remarks worth making. First, while editing all these pieces together, I did my best to maintain the coherence by keeping the structure as simple as possible, while endeavouring to make the material lively, and at the same time ‘full of surprises.’ Second, it is also worth noting that certain key aspects are emphasized throughout this work for the sake of adding a little more impact.
In other words, the book and its contents are designed to generate and induce a Déjà vu-like feeling that can spark remembrance. Third, some of the contents may appear to be somewhat straightforward at times, for the simple reason that all the unnecessary layers have been removed that may cloud the message; and there is a good reason for that: to put it simply, in this way, it is easier to get the point across.
*1 Déjà vu is a term that comes from French and means “already seen or experienced.” Déjà vu is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced, has already been experienced in the past (or in the future), whether it has actually happened or not.
*1 Déjà vu is a term that comes from French and means “already seen or experienced.” Déjà vu is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced, has already been experienced in the past (or in the future), whether it has actually happened or not.
The same in a more precise manner: this book comes from someone who has already gone through processes which have resulted in the purification of the mind. This refers to a sustained endeavor to cleanse the mind of defilements – those unwholesome mental forces which run beneath the surface stream of consciousness. In other words, going through a series of processes of unlearning, shedding away all the unnecessary layers, beliefs and prejudices that are vitiating our thinking, values, attitudes, and actions.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: Mysterious Author – Prologue: Part IV ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"