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~ ∞ ~ On Intelligence 2/6 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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So without a further due, let us delve right into it, shall we? The above-mentioned process, which is named as Holofractographic Intelligent Emergence, for lack of a better term, is inextricably linked together with the style of writing, which is a unique form of creative expression as explained in the chapter “About Writing Style.” From this, the question arises: Creativity – where does it come from? From what source does creativity spring?
Well, it is good to remember that life itself is a creative process, and as an extension of that process, human life is also a unique creative process. In this respect, we ourselves are an extension of God’s Power in the universe; extension of the creative Spirit of God. It is against this backdrop that we can more easily understand the aforementioned process.
This brings us to an important point: as mentioned in the Preface, sometimes while writing, I had a feeling, or more aptly, an Inner Knowing that the contents of the book was being written through me, rather than by me, which goes on to say that this book was co-created together with Living Life, under Divine guidance, you see?
In other words, all the way through the writing process, I had a sense of certainty that Living Intelligence within Life was guiding me in the writing process. And hence it can be said that this book was, indeed, Divinely inspired; how this really works is but anyone’s guess, which makes it all the more intriguing – a mystery, if you will.
Someone who contemplates the idea of Divine inspiration might propose the following explanation: God provides the thoughts, and the prophet provides the words to express them – but even this fails to convey the true nature of the process known as Holofractographic Intelligent Emergence. You see, the interesting part is that there were no thoughts involved at all – just an awareness of Awareness itself, or simply Living Awareness, through which the Living Intelligence expressed itself.
Everything that follows makes a lot more sense when we reach a point in this book where we delve into the fascinating realm of the Quantum World. You see, in contemporary terms, there is but one way to explain this process alongside with the spiritual one; the only thing that can be said about it in a way that avoids being too specific or complex is to say that the information that was being “communicated” can be classified as being Quantum Mechanical, and yet even this description fails to convey the true nature of the process behind the communication.
Even the very word communication does not lend itself to a precise meaning since there is nothing that is being sent, moved or transported anywhere – Inner Knowing is instantaneous – see? Taking that into account, one might want to challenge themselves by accounting for tachyons, i.e., faster than light particles, combine it with Quantum Nonlocality and Quantum Entanglement, and formulate a hypothesis about how this might work. It is noteworthy, though, that one’s theory is just as good as another’s as to what’s going on. The experience itself tells all that’s important to know about it, though.
By virtue of the aforementioned with regard to the said communication or the process by which this book came about, the following is more than enough to give a peek into the experience: with an inner eye, one is able to look at the holofractographic informational wave, and through awareness, is then able to tap into specific aspects of it, you see? That’s the process in a nutshell, but there is a lot more to it than that. As such, in the following few paragraphs, I will do my utmost to describe the process in as simple way as possible.
The following description should be read with the thought in mind that as we move through this book and learn more about how intelligent Life really is, many of the following sentences will make even more sense. And who knows, it might turn out to be a good idea to revisit this section sometime later – just to see where it all began, how the pieces fell into place, and how the whole came together – see?
With that said, we can now take a closer look at the details. In a nutshell, the process known as Holofractographic Intelligent Emergence consists of becoming aware of Life’s inner workings; that is, accessing, reading and retrieving information embedded both in our DNA and the vast array of memory banks in our cells – extending into the Morphogenetic Fields and the Human Spirit – wisdom passed on from generation to generation. On that note, when it comes to the biological aspect of Life, it is a whole topic of its own, and is therefore discussed in the section titled LIFE, especially in chapters What Is Life?, When Does a Human Life Begin?
Well, then, what was the experience like, I hear you ask? As mentioned earlier, all the way through the writing process, I had a sense of certainty that the Living Intelligence within Life was guiding me in the writing process. This alive, vibrant presence not only guided me through the writing process, but also gave comfort, courage, strength, serenity and peace along the way.
It was as if I was being held in the Bosom of Perfect Love; as if I was held in the sweetest, most tender, loving embrace of such knowingness and limitless possibility. It was as if I was diving into the great unknown, whilst knowing that the unknowable is indeed knowable, and knowing how to know is the key.
And so you see, there’s no secret really, because it all boils down to Inner Knowing, which is possible for each and every one of us – through awareness. I would go as far as to say that the communication is the result of extending one’s awareness through the fabric of space and time – into the spaceless space and timeless time; into the nexus point where the known meets the unknown.
This kind of nexus point is the point of Creation – an epicenter of vast interconnections where destiny and opportunity meet, a place where everything connects to everything else and back into itself again. If one would be in such a nexus point, they could contact the time-space of the past, present, and future with ease from that single location.
If one would try to describe this nexus point in any sensible way, one would need to assign some physical attributes for it to make sense. The best possible description for this “place,” if we can even call it that – would be a massive hall of mirrors.
On a deeper level, this “place” is both an interconnected gateway and a massive storehouse of information, or simply hall of records. This “place” is made of crystals, and not just any kind of crystals – living crystals to be specific. They look like crystals, but they have no physicality. In other words, they are more like space-time crystals*1, which are structures that repeat in time, as well as in space.
*1 A time crystal or space-time crystal is a structure that repeats in time, as well as in space. Normal three-dimensional crystals have a repeating pattern in space, but remain unchanged as time passes. Time crystals repeat themselves in time as well, leading the crystal to change from moment to moment. A time crystal never reaches thermal equilibrium, as it is a type of non-equilibrium matter, a form of matter proposed in 2012, and first observed in 2017. This state of matter cannot be isolated from its environment – it is an open system in non-equilibrium.
*1 A time crystal or space-time crystal is a structure that repeats in time, as well as in space. Normal three-dimensional crystals have a repeating pattern in space, but remain unchanged as time passes. Time crystals repeat themselves in time as well, leading the crystal to change from moment to moment. A time crystal never reaches thermal equilibrium, as it is a type of non-equilibrium matter, a form of matter proposed in 2012, and first observed in 2017. This state of matter cannot be isolated from its environment – it is an open system in non-equilibrium.
As one is situated in the middle of these crystals, surrounded by a beautiful vista of awe-inspiring complexity and structure – one will notice that these beautiful fractal-like structures resemble Nested Apollonian Gasket Fractals*1 in multitude of dimensions; each fractal represents an Interconnected Nested Multiverse within the Innerverse, or just simply a world within a world – see?
As one stands in the middle of these space-time crystals, setting their intention, focusing their attention, and expanding their awareness – these multifaceted crystals would begin to respond and start reflecting on their surface everything one would like to see – whether it be past, present, or future.
This, of course, is only one of the many ways in which the mind represents or visualizes what consciousness receives through awareness. You see, the human mind is only capable of comprehending something beyond the ordinary by using the shapes, forms, objects, textures, materials, colors, and events already familiar to us.
*1 To understand this further, one might want to study Nested Apollonian Gaskets, as well as Apollonian Sphere Packing, which is the three-dimensional equivalent of the Apollonian Gasket.
*1 To understand this further, one might want to study Nested Apollonian Gaskets, as well as Apollonian Sphere Packing, which is the three-dimensional equivalent of the Apollonian Gasket.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: On Intelligence 3/6 – Prologue: Part XII ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"