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~ ∞ ~ On Intelligence 3/6 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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This being the case, we need to add another layer to this discussion, that of protolanguage – a parent language from which actual languages are derived; or as some would say, exolinguistics, xenolinguistics. This kind of language is universal, having the ability to convey different meanings to different people at different times.
These kinds of symbols or archetypal alphabets (seen both in this book and on the website) are encoded within the very fabric of our reality, which is another way of saying that the roots of all the languages in all cultures lead to a singular multidimensional source – transcending both space and time, you see?
If one wishes to better understand this, it may be immensely helpful to “flip the script” for a moment and consider a different kind of approach than what we are accustomed to. In so doing, one can easily entertain the idea that not only space and time, but also matter and form, and even energy – are concepts that appear in consciousness; and thereby phenomena that we perceive through our senses, of which the mind is the primary sense-organ. In other words, all experience and phenomena happens in consciousness – see?
Against this backdrop, we can easily see that there is nowhere to go but in, which is another way of saying that in regards to space and time – there really is no space “out there,” and no universal clock “anywhere” to keep time. Rather, there is but an appearance of space and time, matter and form; and thus, it is all here – within the Innerverse, residing within each and every one of us.
Within the heart, within the Innerverse, in the deepest core of our being, there is a sacred space where the Creator dwells – the Divine Presence is found there, alongside with Living Intelligence and Living Wisdom. As we delve into this, we find that there is something beyond the surface – we call this something, Living Awareness, which is the key to unlock the treasure within, you see?
It seems as though this unexplored world of consciousness – Innerverse, is both the great mystery we are afraid to explore, and dogma that we are too afraid and reluctant to burst open. Someday soon, once we reach a new way of thinking that will liberate our minds not only from bias and illusion, but also from ignorance and hubris, can we approach this from another perspective.
This inner transformation could ignite the spark of interest to reach toward something new and exciting; it could spark the flame of curiosity and the will to discover one’s True Self; strive to push the boundaries of what is possible, so that we could gradually venture into the unknown – to discover what lies beyond the limits of the known, you see?
There already are some who have crossed over to discover the Great Unknown – hopefully someday soon, many more will follow, for there is plenty more to discover, a plethora of questions to be asked, and lots of answers to be found – the key resides within, you see?
And so you see, in actuality, all information is already within us, which makes information accessible to anyone. It helps tremendously if we think in this way: everything we have ever wanted to know about Life is within us – our bodies are composed of cells, each cell is a fragment of the whole, and yet each cell contains the blueprint for life. What a marvelous revelation, don’t you think?
This means that the Source Code of Life and the vast array of memory banks are readily available to be read, analyzed and interpreted by everyone. All we need to do is to become aware of this hidden treasure within each of us and start reading the Book of Life.
That said, it should also be acknowledged that yes, of course, we can analyze our DNA by using modern technology, but the simple truth is that it can only take us so far. There is so much more within us that no external technology can ever show us, and so the only way to access this vast array of information is to use our innate internal technology.
And when it comes to information itself – well, this is an interesting one to say the least, because it is one of those “chicken and egg” type of situations. There are two facets to look at here: first, information in general, which we will take a look at in a moment. Second, information as it pertains to this book – well, no one can say from where or when it originates exactly. Why? Because of the paradoxical nature of it all.
You see, one could easily entertain the idea that alongside with the paradoxical nature of information itself, we are dealing with another paradox called “bootstrap paradox.” It occurs when the consequences of an event in the future travel back in time and cause an event in the past or present, which in turn is among the causes of the first event, forming a causal loop in which both events are caused by each other. In case of information, this means that it no longer has a discernible point of origin, and thus is said to be “uncaused” or “self-created,” and thus “self-emergent.”
This presents an interesting conundrum: Is information created, or is it discovered? And if information, and as an extension, knowledge, and even Universal Wisdom – is indeed discovered rather than created, can we then say that information just “is?” Furthermore, is it not indeed the case that in the same sense, nothing is ever invented, only discovered? You see, there are more wonders to be discovered in this universe and beyond than one could ever dream of, are there not?
What we can say with certainty is that information in itself is, indeed, a paradox. For instance: we are information, yet we are uncertainty, and paradoxically enough, information is thought to be the resolution of uncertainty; the more we know, the more we realize how much we don’t know – see?
What is certain, though, is that in whatever kind of way the universe and life as we know it came into being, is sustained, and continues to express itself – is due to information and intelligence. The concept of information has different meanings in different contexts, but generally, across the board, information signifies intelligence; other than that, information is considered to be a form of entropy*1, which in turn signifies chaos, randomness, and disorder. However, entropy is also the process of arrangement.
*1 Entropy can best be described as follows: everything that comes together falls apart. In other words, it is the nature of this universe that entropy increases over time, which means that everything in the universe tends towards disorder or chaos. For example, all living things age and die, they don’t get younger; mechanical things tend to wear out and break down; bricks are not naturally stacked up nicely or become part of a building unless someone has put a lot of effort into making it. And so it seems that chaos or disorder is more probable in the universe than order. This goes on to say that chaos or disorder is the backdrop against which order (life, intelligence) can be seen.
*1 Entropy can best be described as follows: everything that comes together falls apart. In other words, it is the nature of this universe that entropy increases over time, which means that everything in the universe tends towards disorder or chaos. For example, all living things age and die, they don’t get younger; mechanical things tend to wear out and break down; bricks are not naturally stacked up nicely or become part of a building unless someone has put a lot of effort into making it. And so it seems that chaos or disorder is more probable in the universe than order. This goes on to say that chaos or disorder is the backdrop against which order (life, intelligence) can be seen.
You see, the interesting part is that all life arises out of chaos with ordered set of information (something being informed, and thus in form), which goes on to say that life, in and of itself, is one gigantic process of passing down information. Does it not, then, qualify as intelligence?
Here we should remember one important truth: information itself is not intelligence, which means that information by itself is useless and meaningless, unless it is acted upon. And so you see, to use it, a system/entity/person needs enough knowledge to know what it means, and enough know-how to do something with it.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: On Intelligence 4/6 – Prologue: Part XII ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"