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~ ∞ ~ Infinite Living System (The Miracle of Life) 1/2 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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Now that we have shed some light on the author and their journey, we can delve deeper into the understanding that sprung from that very journey. There’s no better way to start this chapter than by stating the obvious: Life is way more Intelligent wholeness than what we give it credit for.
That said, let us remind ourselves of one important truth: Life is simpler than we think, and yet, at the same time it is more complex than we can imagine. Simplicity is the true form of perfection, and therefore it is only natural that simplicity is at the core of every Living System, including us human beings.
Furthermore, it goes without saying that simplicity makes sense in a Living Universe. We touched upon this topic in the previous section, and it follows, naturally, then, that in this chapter, we will continue our discussion, deepening our understanding of the same, you see?
It is this very Intelligence that is alive and well in each of us, and hence it is of great importance. Even though it should be obvious to all of us – unfortunately, it isn’t. Indeed, it seems as though we humans underestimate Life’s built-in Intelligence, or more aptly, we tend to ignore it completely, which brings about the question: Is there any reason or rationale that could explain this behavior?
Yes, certainly, there is, but the answer is not so straightforward; rather, it is multifaceted, which by its nature is such that it reveals complexities that one might not expect at first glance. This, in turn, gives rise to a whole host of other complexities, issues, and aspects regarding us human beings, you see?
By virtue of the aforementioned with regard to our ignorance over Life’s built-in Intelligence, one can easily arrive at the conclusion that we human beings are, indeed, exceedingly, if not entirely, so used to seeing Life through such a small pinhole that we have become narrow-sighted.
And so it goes that in our narrow field of vision, with the lack of self-awareness, we have become utterly unaware of the fact that it was Life’s greater Intelligence that created us in the first place, and that it is precisely Life’s greater Intelligence that sustains and nurtures us.
The narrow field of vision and lack of self-awareness, combined with ignorance and hubris is something that leads to an attitude of separation and disconnection. By our own volition, we end up in a state where we can’t see the forest for the trees. And so it goes that in this state, it is much easier to ignore such Intelligence altogether than acknowledge its existence. Much of this is due to the superiority complex we humans have – which is an unnatural urge to elevate ourselves above everything else, including Life itself.
And of course this discussion would not be complete without acknowledging those who like to argue that Life’s Intelligence is way beyond our mind’s comprehension. The irony here is that with such an argument we are shooting ourselves in the foot, so to speak. Meaning that we are contradicting ourselves and even outright downplaying our own intelligence.
There is some truth to that argument, yes, but at the same time we should acknowledge that there are many more levels to our comprehension – levels that we can currently only dream of; such levels of comprehension we as the collective human species have yet to discover and explore.
In the first approach – the one that deals with the superiority complex, we are looking ourselves as being something more than; in contrast, with the second approach, we are looking ourselves as being something less than. Neither one will get us any closer to the Truth, but if we start to see ourselves in a new light – as equals with everything else, then the key fits into the lock – see?
This brings us to the conclusion: more than anything else, the reason as to why we underestimate Life’s Intelligence lies deep in our worldview – a worldview that prevents us from recognizing, acknowledging and understanding Living Intelligence. Another important aspect concerning life and its built-in Intelligence is by far its miraculous nature. You see, life exhibits intelligent behavior in all of its manifestations, forms and structures.
It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Wonder what? Extraordinary nature of Life, and more than that, the preciousness of human life. And so it goes that while one marvels at the extraordinary nature of Life, we cannot but conclude that Life is, truly, a Living Miracle – something to be cherished and nurtured; to be alive is the greatest gift of all, is it not? Undoubtedly, you would be really amazed if you only knew what a treasure you truly are, and even more so if you knew the implications of knowing this truth.
As we have learned from the previous chapters, our awareness plays a major role in unlocking this treasure – it’s up to you, and you alone, to discover the key within, you see? Indeed, each of us is a living testament of the miracle called Life, but only a few are able to recognize it, and even fewer can acknowledge and appreciate it for what it is. And so you see, there are basically two ways to live our lives – like nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle – the choice is, obviously, yours, and yours only to make – see?
Now, let me ask you this: Is it not a miracle that you exist? Is it not a miracle that you exist as the unique you that you are? If that’s not miraculous enough, then let me ask you this: Is it not a miracle that Intelligent Life can evolve to a level of consciousness, to a point where it can trace back its history to understand its own origin and its true essence? Is it not a miracle that Life can become aware of itself through the vehicle of a living form that has the capacity for self-reflection?
As far as we know, human beings are the only form of life that has this capacity of being able to reflect on the nature of its own thinking and feeling, its own past and future, its own life and death, and on the nature of awareness itself. Therefore, is it not the greatest miracle of all that everything we have ever wanted to know about Life is found within each and every one of us?
And now you may be wondering, what does all that really mean? Well, it simply means that every cell in our body holds memory, information, knowledge. You see, our bodies are composed of cells, each cell is a fragment of the whole, and yet each cell contains the blueprint for life. This means that the Source Code of Life and the vast array of memory banks are readily available to be read, analyzed and interpreted by everyone – all we need to do is to become aware of this hidden treasure within each of us and start reading the Book of Life.
It also means that each of us is a living system within a greater Living System, connected to each other in more ways than we can fathom, which is another way of saying that this Great Miracle of Life that we are all a part of, is in essence, an Interconnected Web of information, connection and communication. This leads us to an important point: we are an inseparable part of a Living Universe, but unfortunately, for the most part, we seem to have forgotten this fundamental truth.
Let us delve deeper, shall we? So now that we know that our body is the doorway to all knowledge, and our awareness is the key, the question becomes: Where do we go from here, and more importantly: Where do we begin? Well, the idea of DNA is a good place to start since DNA has been around for as long as there has been life on Earth.
Having said that, we should keep in mind that we would need to expand our thinking, broaden our perspective, and be ready and willing to see the world and ourselves in a new light, so that we could have a more comprehensive understanding of the big picture – and through it, of ourselves and our fellow human beings, you see? As such, the following few chapters are dedicated for that purpose, and in the section titled LIFE, we will return to this topic.
Now, let us continue with the following ancient saying: “as above, so below; as within, so without.” This simple statement tells us that humans are a reflection of the entire universe. Indeed, we are a microcosm of the universal macrocosm, which means that within us is a complete universe. By understanding this simple truth we can begin to understand our true power – we as humans have the ability to directly know and experience Truth.
As we begin to know our inner nature, we find that we are actually discovering the nature of the universe, which is another way of saying that not only are we in the universe, but the universe is in us; and not only that, but at the same time we are also discovering the true Essence of Creation – all it takes is a willingness to explore ourselves. You see, exploration leads to discovery; discovery leads to knowledge; knowledge leads to new questions and new exploration.
That said, we should keep in mind that there is so much more within us that no external technology can ever show us – the only way to access this vast array of information within us is to use our innate internal technology – Spiritual Technology, for lack of a better term. If we shift our thinking to include such notions as energy, frequency, and vibration – we can begin to understand that our DNA is alive – full of Living Intelligence that interacts with fields of information.
To give an analogy: our DNA acts like a tuning crystal in a radio that focuses various frequencies and vibrations into the form we see as our bodies, which is another way of saying that our DNA is sending and receiving information all the time, whether we are aware of it or not.
From this perspective, it becomes clear that the observable part of the DNA double helix is merely the surface level of the multilayered structure. On top of that, we can also see that while DNA can be seen as a “source code” of sorts, it is also a representation of highly advanced technology.
Against this backdrop, we can see that humans are a product of Intelligent Design – something miraculous that only Intelligent Awareness in its Infinite Wisdom can achieve. The existence of the human body should be enough evidence for anyone that we are the products of an Intelligent Designer and Creator, and not merely the by-product of an accident, like we want to believe – especially in the science-driven Western culture.
And here is where the irony lies: you see, in recent years, modern science has discovered that the underlying structural details of the entire universe have been “fine-tuned” toward the goal of producing biological life – quite a dichotomy, don’t you think? And yet, in spite of this, all too many want to deny the obvious, and pass it off as a mere coincidence – sweeping it under the rug, so to speak.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
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Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"