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~ ∞ ~ Infinite Living System (The Miracle of Life) 2/2 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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Now, let me ask you this: As it stands, is it not, indeed so, that the prevailing belief in the science-driven Western world is that humans are nothing special in the context of the Cosmos? Is it not, indeed, the prevailing custom to believe that the Earth and its inhabitants are just a big ‘cosmic accident’ of some sort?
In this context, it goes without saying that it is the epitome of ignorance to believe that life is merely incidental and accidental part of the universe, despite everything telling us otherwise – or do you beg to differ?
If one really stops to contemplate this magnificent feat – the “fine-tuned” universe and everything in it – galaxies, stars, planets, and all other forms of matter and energy; the existence of the human body, a biological marvel, one of a kind – it becomes undeniable that everything points to an Intelligently Designed Universe; every attempt to prove otherwise points directly to this truth – intriguing, isn’t it?
As it turns out, the probability of life existing at all has been calculated many times over. It has been said that the odds against the existence of life on Earth are on the order of 10^10^123. That’s so massively unlikely it’s almost impossible to fathom.
In other words, the fine-tuning odds are so infinitesimal that fine-tuning cannot be passed off as a mere coincidence, and thus one cannot but arrive at the conclusion that the existence of intelligent life in the universe is so incredibly rare that one should consider that it only happened once, which means that the “accidental” or “coincidental” creation of our universe is an impossibility.
And when these two rare occurrences – the creation of our fine-tuned universe and intelligent life in it, happened to happen together makes it clear that the universe we find ourselves in has a purpose – to facilitate intelligent life, which makes it a purposeful universe, doesn’t it? This tells us how precise the Creator’s aim must have been, to an accuracy of one part in 10^10^123.
That is an extraordinary figure – one could not possibly even write the number down. You see, it would be 1 followed by 10^123 successive 0’s, which means that even if we were to write a 0 on each separate proton and on each separate neutron in the entire universe, and also throw in all the other particles – we would fall short of writing down the figure needed.
The improbable odds of life existing in the cosmos surely suggests that we are not the result of random chance, does it not? And yet, in spite of this, all too many continue to deny the obvious.
Taking the previous into consideration, it stands to reason that our greatest technological achievements pale in comparison to the complexity of the biological achievements found in nature, which goes on to say that we have a long way to go before we get anywhere near achieving anything close to resembling that.
But alas, in our hubris, we often think that we have discovered some of the great truths of life, and thus we want to perfect everything through science and technology; we are blinded by our hubris and denial of things obvious, so much so that in our vanity we interfere with the intricate web of relationships upon which life on Earth depends.
When we talk about DNA, genetics and the human genome*1, we need to understand that even though most genes have been identified, the human genome is not yet fully understood; neither are the mechanisms which cause certain genes to be switched on or off. It doesn’t make matters any better when we account for the fact that even today scientists have no satisfactory or universally accepted definition of life – no one has been able to explain what causes something to be alive, and what distinguishes animate from inanimate matter.
In light of that, one could easily argue that we have absolutely no idea how Life propagates itself through time and space in physical reality. On the other hand, someone else could naively argue against by stating: “of course we do – just because, science, you know!” Having said that, we should also acknowledge one thing equally true: yes, indeed, we do know certain things about the physical expression of Life, but at the same time we should also be acknowledging that we still don’t know what Life is – emphasis on the capital letter.
*1 The human genome is the complete set of nucleic acid sequences for humans, encoded as DNA within the 23 chromosome pairs in cell nuclei and in a small DNA molecule found within individual mitochondria. The total length of the human genome is over 3 billion base pairs. The genome is organized into 22 paired chromosomes, plus the X chromosome (one in males, two in females) and, in males only, one Y chromosome. These are all large linear DNA molecules contained within the cell nucleus. The genome also includes the mitochondrial DNA, a comparatively small circular molecule present in each mitochondrion.
*1 The human genome is the complete set of nucleic acid sequences for humans, encoded as DNA within the 23 chromosome pairs in cell nuclei and in a small DNA molecule found within individual mitochondria. The total length of the human genome is over 3 billion base pairs. The genome is organized into 22 paired chromosomes, plus the X chromosome (one in males, two in females) and, in males only, one Y chromosome. These are all large linear DNA molecules contained within the cell nucleus. The genome also includes the mitochondrial DNA, a comparatively small circular molecule present in each mitochondrion.
Now, let us briefly come back to the idea according to which every cell in our body holds memory, information, knowledge. As information is all around us, we can tune into these frequencies, and in so doing we can gain access to this vast Living Library. The process of connecting, reading and retrieving is quite difficult to express in words as it all boils down to awareness – being aware of Life itself. The beauty of it all is the depth of understanding one’s own awareness, which has no limits but the ones we set ourselves.
That is, if we transcend beyond beliefs, ideas and concepts; if we go above cause and beyond effect, above birth and beyond death, above happiness and beyond suffering – we would once again find our way back to ourselves, into this present moment – here and now, into our body, into our mind, into our own awareness wherein memory, information, knowledge, wisdom, love, peace, and connectedness reside.
This we can call an “Awakening,” which is something that takes place within each of us whenever we are ready to remember our eternal nature, whenever we are ready to take that first step in remembering who we are at the deepest level of our being, whenever we are ready to know our core essence as Spirit.
One last thing before we move on: From personal experience, I can say that it was very fascinating indeed to intimately get to know the different parts that make up one’s genetic profile. The process helped me to further understand my own being, the human experience here on Earth. At first, all I had was the feeling – or should I say inner knowing that there existed a vast variety of different ethnicities in my genetic profile.
One way to understand this is to say that there seemed to have been a process of awakening happening in different chromosomes; generational knowledge and ethnic information cracking open from the codons*1 like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, you see?
*1 A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that encodes a specific amino acid, that is, information encoded within genetic material.
*1 A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that encodes a specific amino acid, that is, information encoded within genetic material.
This led me to follow numerous synchronicities that ended up revealing much of my own ancestry. In later years, I was amazed how accurate these inner feelings were – the final confirmation came in the form of DNA testing, combined with excessive paper trail in genealogical research.
This brings about the question: How is this relevant, and how does it relate to the overall message of the book? Well, it all boils down to Interconnectedness of All Life, and awareness of the same, you see? When one becomes aware of their true nature, they also become aware of the vastly Interconnected Web of Life which connects us all.
As mentioned earlier in the Prologue, the whole of humanity is a single being, having a collective consciousness – the sum total of all human life, having a collective direction and destiny. This means that we are part of, and intimately connected to, absolutely everything in the universe – the deeper we go, the more we see how truly connected we are.
In this Interconnected Web, each human life is a link in a chain of lives that extends far into the past and projects far into the future, with ancestors at the one end, and descendants at the other; each life in a chain of lives is bound together by cause and effect, different, yet the same.
This brings us to the point: in my own personal journey, it was indeed necessary to achieve a balance between different ethnicities within my DNA. The best way to express this is to say that all of those different parts had to be aligned and harmonized to bring about balance. In other words, this process can be said to be something called ancestral healing*1.
*1 Ancestral healing involves healing one’s ancestors’ unresolved emotional issues, problems or trauma. In so doing, it releases you from any energetic patterns that link you to them – patterns that can have an inhibiting or disruptive influence on your life today. This kind of healing process is important because we are impacted by emotional and energetic patterns from prior generations in our family. Some of these can create obstacles in our lives, blocking our pathway to joy, abundance, authentic power and unlimited possibilities. Since energy is never lost, but simply changes form over time, emotional issues or problems that were not dealt with by your ancestors, or not fully resolved, can 'hover' in your energy field today, creating an imbalance or roadblock.
*1 Ancestral healing involves healing one’s ancestors’ unresolved emotional issues, problems or trauma. In so doing, it releases you from any energetic patterns that link you to them – patterns that can have an inhibiting or disruptive influence on your life today. This kind of healing process is important because we are impacted by emotional and energetic patterns from prior generations in our family. Some of these can create obstacles in our lives, blocking our pathway to joy, abundance, authentic power and unlimited possibilities. Since energy is never lost, but simply changes form over time, emotional issues or problems that were not dealt with by your ancestors, or not fully resolved, can 'hover' in your energy field today, creating an imbalance or roadblock.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
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Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"