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~ ∞ ~ Infinite Fractal of Creation 2/2 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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The individuated experience of life is perceived through this ever-fluid motion that creates the perception of time, and yet, on a deeper level, time isn’t separable from life itself, for you see, life creates time as it moves, and time creates space for life to happen. Beneath the surface of seemingly fixed material objects in a linear river of time, there is the reality in which energy swirls into form, dissolves and coalesces once again.
All this multiplicity and diversity of life is One Unity, One Divinity – emanating, evolving, converting and re-absorbing itself; creating and preserving, destroying and re-generating itself; the Self, by itself, knowing itself, separating from itself, and transcending itself. As the waves of energy dance and electrons pulsate in and out of existence – new expressions of Living Life is constantly being created.
Indeed, when science goes down to the very core of even the most solid-looking object – separateness dissolves, and all that remains are a set of relationships, revealing a deeper level of reality – interconnectedness of all things; meaning that everything connects to everything else and nothing is separate from the whole.
You see, more than a century ago, it was realized that atoms were largely empty space, and with the advent of quantum theory it was realized that even sub-atomic particles were far from being the solid “particles” we had imagined them to be. Physicists are now able to see and verify through scientific means that matter appears to be both waves of potential non-physical energy and small solid basic building blocks (particles) simultaneously.
In other words, Quantum Physics tells us that the particles themselves exist in many different states simultaneously. In this context, this empty space within atoms is in fact unmanifested infinite potential, holding consciousness in and of itself. Within this emptiness there is unfathomable power – a whole web of information, consciousness, and energy – connecting all things together, you see?
When we dive even deeper, we find subatomic particles – the building blocks of life in a quantum level; within these subatomic particles, there is motion in a form of radiation, i.e., energy vibration. So from the previous, it becomes evident that everything is actually moving and vibrating energy – and there goes the so-called “physicality” out of the window.
Indeed, if one would take a closer look, they would find that the reality we inhabit and believe to be solid, material, dense, and physical, surely seems to be an illusion created by our own senses; an outside reflection from the Innerverse – a reflection that is very much real and tangible.
Everyday reality, therefore, including our minds and bodies, and even the universe – is a human construct (idea) – interpretation of consciousness to itself, as a result of its experiences which are fundamental excitations of consciousness itself. This surely suggests that matter is, indeed, purely made out of different energy vibrations in different configurations, doesn’t it?
By virtue of the aforementioned with regard to the Unity of Life, it can be noted that life originates from, and eventually returns to, the so-called Omega Point, which is a distinct center radiating at the core of a system of centers, i.e., a supreme autonomous focus of union. This point is the state of complex unity toward which everything is developing.
So now, then, to further understand this, let us “flip the script” for a moment and consider a different kind of approach than what we are accustomed to. For the sake of simplicity, let us use linear terms and associate the term “future” with the Omega Point, the point at which all life is realized as One.
So now, then, if we consider life to be a living, breathing and vibrating natural holofractographic projection from the “future,” which is meant to be experienced in the “past” as subjectively perceived reality – we would eventually arrive at the conclusion that at the very core of our being – we are eternal, and that the death is the biggest illusion there is – this is much larger topic which will be explored more in the section LIFE.
To stretch this even further, it can be said that the individuated experience of life could very well be seen as a form of simulacra, in which the existence simulates the possibility of limitation, separation, and ultimately, its crescendo – that of death, where the individuated, finite expression of life is revealed to be part of a larger whole, to be part of the continuity that transcends all concepts and definitions.
In this type of simulation, everything would appear to be separate things, but in the very core, would be interconnected expressions of the one and the same consciousness – being the by-product of its own awareness of itself. Thus, everything one would perceive in their subjective reality would be an extension of the One Unity, One Divinity – in its many emanations and expressions – a mirror of sorts, you see?
The ancient wisdom traditions in all corners of the Earth have also taught that the world is like a mirror – an extension of ourselves, reflecting everything that is happening on a higher realm or on the deeper levels of reality, you see? So clearly, in this respect, one can conclude that we are, indeed, what we think, what we feel, what we imagine, and what we dream. With our thoughts, emotions, feelings, intentions, behaviors, and speech – we make the world, you see?
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: Towards An Era of Transformation 1/2 ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"