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~ ∞ ~ Ancient Wisdom Resurfaces - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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Now that we’ve had a glimpse of what this new vision entails, we can continue our discussion by noting that these kinds of visions are not new to humanity, for they have existed for thousands of years. You see, they are integral to human nature, and will always be so until we reach that penultimate goal of equilibrium, harmony, balance – from where we can achieve peace – with ourselves and with others.
Visions like these are driven by the underlying universal truths that are timeless – we all recognize them whether we acknowledge them or not. Hence, it can be said that through the ages, these same timeless truths keep emerging time and time again, and thus they can be colloquially referred to as “Ancient Wisdom.”
Most important of these timeless truths concerns the basic Oneness of the Universe; Oneness of Life – we are all One, interconnected and indivisible. And so you see, ultimately, the whole of humanity is a single being, having a collective consciousness – the sum total of all human life, having a collective direction and destiny. Each life is a link in a chain of lives, with ancestors at the one end, and descendants at the other; each life in a chain of lives is bound together by cause and effect, different, yet the same.
At the deepest level, this means that there is but one God to merge with, there is but one all pervading Spirit, and it is called the Truth, by which The Miracle of Life is made possible – it exists in all Creation, it is timeless, universal, and self-existent; there is but one First Cause that has its Being of itself, and on which all other beings depend; there is but one Infinite Being, so there is but One God – see?
By virtue of the aforementioned with regard to Oneness of Life, it is paramount to highlight the following: every living thing lives within the continuous cycle of birth and death where the remains of one become the nutrients for the other – nothing is ever wasted, everything just transforms into different forms at various times; everything shifts between different levels of existence according to its vibrational frequency or awareness, you see?
This same dynamic applies to our Souls and Spirit as well, which becomes clear from the second basic truth. Furthermore, upon deeper examination, one ultimately finds that inanimate objects are energy – like anything else, and contain trace amounts of consciousness, as all energy comes from a source of consciousness. This understanding not only unites everything that happens in the visible outer world, but it also links the inner subjective world to the outer world.
All things – both seen and unseen, are bound together by cause and effect, which goes on to say that nothing can exist in absolute independence of other things or arise of its own accord; everything in the world comes into existence in response to causes and conditions – meaning that all beings and phenomena exist or occur only because of their relationship with other things – see?
Many ancient wisdom traditions have known this for a long time, but the Western culture seems to lack this understanding. For example, indigenous peoples of the Great Plains of North America have a prayer of Oneness and harmony of all forms of life in their culture – it is called Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related), which is a phrase from the Lakota language; it reflects the worldview of interconnectedness held by the Lakota people – all are related including humans, animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, and even rocks, rivers, mountains and valleys.
The second basic truth is that the universe is an intelligent field that is inherently conscious. It is through this field of consciousness that the inner and outer worlds are connected; we are connected to this larger field of consciousness through our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and intentions. All living things have consciousness and are inseparably linked to all other living things in this Great Cosmic Web of Life; even plants have consciousness – plant’s knowing of where to grow and how to turn to the light is evidence of this – see?
This leads to the third truth, which is that we are participating in the Life and work of God – we are participating just by being ourselves. It is our awareness that ultimately connects us to all other life. You see, all life has awareness in varying degrees, or more aptly, all Life is Awareness – Living Awareness that comes from Spirit.
Upon deeper examination, one finds that ultimately, the whole of humanity is a single being – having a collective consciousness, the sum total of all human life; each life is a link in a chain of lives, with ancestors at the one end, and descendants at the other.
Not only are we connected to each other, but we are part of, and intimately connected to, absolutely everything in the universe. The key to wisdom is the conscious realization and acknowledgement that we are Life becoming aware of itself in this form we call a human being – Life, finding its way to itself through itself; microcosm of the universal macrocosm, awakening to itself in itself.
Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. ~ Alan Watts.
From another perspective, one might say that we are the universe (Creation) becoming aware of itself – living and breathing, pulsating and vibrating miracle, which is another way of saying that the universe in and of itself is very much alive. In other words, everything in the universe is conscious, endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.
In this sense, the universe has a spiritual nature, or at the very least, a spiritual cause; and thus it should be regarded and treated as such. But here we should not make a mistake of confusing Creation with the Creator, for you see, if one wishes to glorify something – let it be the Creator (God). This being the case, let all praise the Unity of God, for you see, there is but one First Cause that has its Being of itself, and on which all other beings depend; there is but one Infinite Being, so there is but one God – see?
This brings us to conclude that in our deepest core we are ancient – Infinite Living Awareness, taking different shapes and forms in the continuum of time. In this sense, we have been around forever, and there has never been a time when we have not existed, nor will there be a time when we cease to exist. We all have hidden within us this deep Ancient Wisdom that’s in every single one of us – we all carry this ancient gift from our forefathers and mothers.
Let us go deeper. Earth is an incredibly and wonderfully complex interdependent network of elements and life forms that co-evolved together. This is why the ancient humans felt a burning responsibility to show their respect, honor and gratitude to the Universe, to Nature, and to Mother Earth which gave them Life. Ancient wisdom holds that humans were created to be the caretakers of the Earth – we were placed here to care for its plants and animals, to protect its natural beauty, to show respect and gratitude for all the abundance that the Earth gives us every day, and to live in harmony with nature and all forms of life.
That said, it is clear that we as human beings are an intrinsic part of the whole – Sentient Intelligence, individuated, yet interconnected and interdependent on other parts. As such, we humans are an intrinsic part of nature, and therefore we need to better understand how to adjust ourselves to the physical environment without destroying it and ourselves in the process; how to be a natural part of the living process, and how to work holistically within the living system.
As mentioned earlier in this section, when we look at today’s world, we cannot say it’s one of peace and joy; rather, we find that we live in the midst of self-imposed chaos, which brings about the question: Have we totally forgotten what our forefathers and mothers have taught us?
Upon deeper examination, one finds that this self-imposed chaos is something that we may have created for ourselves to experience in hopes of meeting ourselves – to shake away old, outdated and outmoded structures that no longer can sustain us, which is another way of saying that we can no longer leave ourselves out of the equation. You see, at the moment we find ourselves in between conscious of the limitations of the old, and needing a new paradigm which transcends our ways of thinking, being, and seeing.
Here we arrive at the conclusion: If we want to continue living here on Earth, we need a completely new paradigm; meaning that we need a fundamental change in our thoughts, perceptions, and values. The change begins by shifting our current limited mechanistic view of life to match that of a holistic conception of life. You see, a living experience of wholeness is achieved by opening fully to our own pure awareness, which is another way of saying that clear experience of awareness brings a radically new way of relating to oneself and the world.
As we witness the deterioration within the ecological, social, political, and economic world structures, we can experience the re-emergence of ancient wisdom. You see, life is a full circle; coming back around, again and again, in hopes of meeting ourselves; in hopes of seeing and really knowing ourselves; around and around and around we go, in this thing we call life – see?
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
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Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"