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~ ∞ ~ Metaphysical Paradigm Shift 1/3 - Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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The purpose of this chapter is to crystallize some of the more important themes which are woven through previous chapters. As such, it serves as a perfect segue to the next section where these aspects are magnified and explored further. Metaphysical paradigm shift, as it is referred to here, is an ensemble term used to describe everything that prevents us from seeing “beyond the box” and needs an “upgrade,” so to speak.
It includes everything that is considered having an impact in our lives, such as prevailing ideas, concepts, theories, narratives, assumptions, beliefs, perspectives, and values; it also includes worldviews, philosophies, theologies, ideologies, and even consensus reality – which, in and of itself, is the product of all the aforementioned – see?
We begin this chapter by defining metaphysics and paradigm shift, which will lay the foundation for more in-depth discussion of specific aspects of metaphysics in the context of paradigm shift. Metaphysics, according to its most common modern definition, has to do with a transcendent realm “beyond” what is perceptible to the senses; the term is related to “mysticism,” which is based on the word “mystery,” implying something hidden.
A paradigm is the collection of ideas and assumptions that pass from one generation to the next and which seem to be immutable. The paradigm shift, then, is when the paradigm shifts. In this process, everything that no longer serves its purpose – begins to fade away, to be replaced with something else; and with it goes all the old, outdated and outmoded structures that are limiting us – both as individuals and as a species.
This in turn gives way to a new understanding, a new way of seeing, a new way of living and being, doing and acting. And so you see, paradigm shifts are necessary for growth and transformation, are they not?
Given the current situation we find ourselves in, witnessing the deteriorating conditions of the Earth, growing instability of the social, political, and economic world structures, one can easily conclude that it has never been a better time to experience a shift in perspective, to experience a shift of paradigms and strive ahead with new ideas and approaches. You see, we are an inseparable part of a Living Universe, and therefore we can no longer leave ourselves out of the equation.
As such, we should grow in our understanding beyond what is currently known and strive to improve ourselves in every way possible; we should strive to be united as a species; focus our attention and energy for the betterment of humanity as a whole; use our intelligence and ingenuity to further improve the quality of human life, to grow and develop our skills and talents. And so you see, it is necessary for our evolvement that we go through a metaphysical paradigm shift, is it not?
The shift of paradigms requires not only the expansion of our perceptions and the ways of thinking, but also of our values – from consumption to conservation, from competition to cooperation, from quantity to quality, and from domination to partnership. Hence, it goes without saying that we should mature and grow spiritually – it is an essential part of transformation, progress and growth.
In this context, it may be immensely helpful to “flip the script” for a moment and consider a different kind of approach than what we are accustomed to. If we can see evolution as a spiritual path, we must then see that consciousness is the most spiritual thing there is, and therefore we must be willing to surrender to the spiritual process – the process of fulfilling the telos of human existence, if we are to evolve further, you see?
To achieve this, we need a new paradigm – one that will help us adjust our lifestyle in a way that would allow us to bring health, harmony and balance back into our everyday life. To achieve such a state of dynamic balance – a radically different social and economic structure is needed, as well.
The creation of a new paradigm includes:
– a new understanding of God or Spirit.
– a new understanding of reality.
– a new understanding of nature.
– a new understanding of ourselves.
– a new understanding of reality.
– a new understanding of nature.
– a new understanding of ourselves.
In this transition, we move:
– from a view of the universe as dead and mechanical to alive and dynamic.
– from separate parts to interconnected wholes.
– from objective to subjective.
– from control, prediction, and certainty to influence, probability, and uncertainty.
– from unaware to mindful.
– from events and outcomes to process and patterns.
– from either/or to both/and.
– from separate parts to interconnected wholes.
– from objective to subjective.
– from control, prediction, and certainty to influence, probability, and uncertainty.
– from unaware to mindful.
– from events and outcomes to process and patterns.
– from either/or to both/and.
Now that we have covered the basics, we can take a closer look at the details. What essentially defines this shift of paradigms is the following: what was once considered “outside the box” thinking or thinking “without” the box becomes the new normal. It is through this change in perspective that we stride by leaps and bounds into the future.
Metaphysical paradigm shift has largely to do with the notion of a Living Universe, which is consistent with the now widely accepted Gaia theory, which wonderfully demonstrates that the Earth itself is a Living System. All life exists in an interconnected web, which means that what happens to the Earth affects everyone, and everyone’s behavior affects the Earth – together they form a symbiotic relationship, you see?
Therefore, it is essential to be aware of, and to appreciate the Interconnected Web of All Life. Human beings are an intrinsic part of this Interconnected Web of Life, and since humans are not isolated beings, we need to know how we work as a sub-system within the whole. When we relate to other human beings, to the living nature around us, to human organizations, and to the economy – we are always dealing with living systems.
Thus, we as human beings are always part of different systems, and we can act intelligently from within those systems, e.g., every day humans live immersed in social systems – dynamic groups of interconnected people functioning together as a whole.
Whether we are able to act intelligently within these systems – is up to our level of awareness, and thus if we want to have a complete picture, we need to know the basics of what constitutes a human being. And so you see, in order to have a complete picture, we need to start from the beginning and ask ourselves: What is consciousness, and further: What is awareness?
Now, let us remind ourselves of one important truth: Life is simpler than we think, and yet, at the same time, it is more complex than we can imagine. This goes on to say that simplicity makes sense in a Living Universe. Indeed, simplicity is the true form of perfection, and therefore it is only natural that simplicity is at the core of every Living System. It is unfortunate that we fail to recognize this single most important truth.
Therefore, it is not unsurprising that we can see the results in our everyday lives. You see, the current mechanistic worldview permeates through every facet of our lives, making it difficult to see “beyond the box.” But if we shift our thinking in such a way that we begin to think in terms of energy, frequency, vibration, consciousness, and awareness – a whole new world begins to open up for us.
This metaphysical paradigm shift will make it clear that consciousness is the next great frontier, for science, for philosophy, for our personal and collective well-being. That is to say, without knowing the Innerverse, we would know nothing at all, and everything we think we know – would have no deeper meaning. Therefore, we should ask ourselves: How could we possibly know anything at all, if we don’t know the Innerverse – consciousness and awareness?
It goes without saying that asking the same kinds of questions and doing the same kinds of things over and over while expecting different results is the epitome of foolishness, isn’t it? Against this backdrop, we can see that we would need to ask different kinds of questions to get new kinds of answers; we would need to explore different kinds of approaches and perspectives to see beyond what seems possible; we would need to push the boundaries beyond the accepted norms and conventions.
Now, let me ask you this: Wouldn’t it be great if we would strive to liberate our minds from what we are familiar with, so that we could reach toward something new and exciting, striving to push the boundaries of what is possible, gradually venturing into the unknown – to discover what lies beyond the limits of the known?
When you really think about it, doesn’t it seem as though this unexplored world of consciousness – Innerverse, is both the great mystery we are afraid to explore, and dogma that we are too afraid and reluctant to burst open? It certainly would help if the bubble of scientific dogma would burst open first and scientism that blinds us from seeing beyond self-imposed limits and illusion would be dismantled altogether, wouldn’t it?
Apart from the aforementioned, it would help tremendously if the politicization of science would be dismantled altogether as well. You see, the relationship between science and politics has been well established, becoming increasingly apparent in recent years, having extended into nearly every scientific field. It follows, then, that these influences in combination with ignorance and hubris are having a major impact on our lives in so many different ways on so many different levels.
Our view of the world profoundly impacts how we live and interact with the world and with each other – it is essential, then, that the scientific knowledge that shapes and limits the contours of our social reality should be expanded to include non-measurable phenomena – such as values, meaning, purposes, and feelings – in other words, subjective inner experiences of the individuals, or short – consciousness and awareness – see?
That said, it should be noted that science is a wonderful tool for showing us the ways of interpreting the physical world; as a tool and system of inquiry, science excels in this role of exploring the physical reality exceptionally well. However, scientific paradigms can become a form of dogma, resisting the scientific revolutions of thinking and discovery that always, eventually, make these old paradigms obsolete.
This goes on to say that we cannot solve old paradigm problems by dealing in old paradigm solutions – this is especially true with everything consciousness related, and hence metaphysical paradigm shift is more than welcomed. Someday soon, once we reach a new way of thinking that will liberate our minds not only from dogma and bias, but also from ignorance and hubris, can we approach this from another perspective, and truly proclaim to do proper science – see? Because of these reasons, it is necessary to unravel some of the layers in the following few paragraphs.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: Metaphysical Paradigm Shift 2/3 ]
Extra Material: Video: You're It - Alan Watts. Video description: "An inspiring and profound speech from the late Alan Watts. Speech extract from 'Zen Bones and Tales' by Alan Watts"