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~ ∞ ~ What Is Life? 1/3 – Awaken the Living Awareness Within ~ ∞ ~ |
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Now that we have reached a level of understanding that is more than adequate enough to carry us through some of the more complex topics, we can delve deeper into the subject of life, and more specifically – human life.
Naturally, in this section, we explore the deep and fundamental questions about life and death, existence and non-existence, examine the meaning of life, and also touch upon the human condition that is inherent and innate to all human beings. In the following chapters, we will take a deep dive into humans as we know humans, in the context of life and existence.
Each of these chapters build upon each other, gradually adding new layers of depth and complexity, which in turn gives room for more context to emerge, slowly painting a bigger picture. In a way, this bigger picture is a story of humans as we know humans – their challenges, weaknesses and shortcomings, but also their strengths and opportunities.
In this regard, this section – as a whole, can be said to be an unapologetic exploration of the human species – the only intelligent, sentient bipedal species known to exist in this universe that seeks to find answers to the deeper questions concerning existence and life itself.
As a way of introduction, let us consider the following: When we ask the question, “What is life?” most people seek to answer this question from the world of phenomena, and thus they fail to address the deeper level of the question: What is it that makes you – you? What is it that makes up the whole of who you are?
Obviously, there is no all-encompassing answer, which makes it all the more intriguing, doesn’t it? We can begin answering these questions by shedding some light on how we currently see and define life, and then expand upon it by exploring various aspects of the same.
Perhaps it is best to start the discussion about this topic with the following thought: throughout the history of humanity, thinkers in many fields have tried to define life – failing to provide a universally accepted definition. For as long as we have studied life, we have struggled to define it, and even today scientists have no satisfactory or universally accepted definition of life.
No one has been able to explain what causes something to be alive, and what distinguishes animate from inanimate matter. There hasn’t been much success on this front in philosophy or medicine either. In other words, there is no closure – there are models, and there are questions.
Furthermore, as of 2022, there’s no single, generally accepted model for the Origin of Life either – only several theories or hypothesis exist which are all based on the molecular or chemical evolution of life. In other words, no one knows how did life start, or what is the process that makes “normal matter” living matter.
We seem to be focusing solely on the biological aspect of life – so much so that we have forgotten to consider that there may be some other factors in play – especially when it comes to us human beings. As such, biologists study what life does, not what life is. Having said that, let me ask you this: Why does it appear that we are fixated on this one single aspect of life, completely disregarding other possibilities? Well, let us find out, shall we?
At this point, we should introduce a term that’s important to keep in mind as we explore the subject of life. Not only because it helps us see how limited our thinking is, but also because it can show us important aspects that we have overlooked. The term is “scientific materialism,” which goes hand in hand with another term called “positivism.”
The former is a view according to which all phenomena in the universe, including the human mind, have a material basis, are subject to the same physical laws, and can be most deeply understood by scientific analysis. The latter is a philosophical system recognizing only that which can be scientifically verified, or which is capable of logical or mathematical proof, and therefore rejecting metaphysics and theism.
This leads us to conclude that scientific research into the nature of life often focuses on the material, energetic and temporal limitations within which life can exist. The problem is, though, that no matter how advanced our level of science and technology is, no matter how sophisticated our equipment, or how complex our methods of analysis have become, we still don’t have a clue what life is – this is why we have so many theories, you see?
These theories are quite fantastic to say the least because they postulate that life arises from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds, and yet, Earth remains the only place in the universe known to harbour life as we know it. And so you see, it stands to reason, then, that life – and more specifically, intelligent life – is incredibly rare.
Considering that the odds against the existence of life on Earth are on the order of 10^10^123 – as mentioned earlier in this book, it seems plausible, though not entirely impossible, yet probable, and very much possible, that intelligent life in the universe is so incredibly rare that it only happened once.
If that is indeed the case, then what does it say about life, especially human life? That we are special beyond imagination? And when these two unfathomably rare, if not mystical occurrences – the creation of our fine-tuned universe and intelligent life in it, happened to even happen at all, makes you wonder is there a plan, a purpose or a reason to our existence?
What is clear is that the universe we find ourselves in, has, indeed, a purpose – to facilitate intelligent life, which makes it a purposeful universe, does it not? If one really stops to contemplate this magnificent feat – the fine-tuned universe and everything in it – galaxies, stars, planets, and all other forms of matter and energy; the existence of the human body, a biological marvel, one of a kind – it becomes undeniable that everything points to an Intelligently Designed Universe – intriguing, isn’t it? What is even more intriguing is that every attempt to prove otherwise points directly to this truth.
Having said that, let me ask you this: Isn’t it fascinating that despite all of our knowledge and advances in so many fields, still no one can say for certain what ignited that original spark*1 that started life for plants, animals, fish, birds, and people? Indeed, there’s a certain irony in knowing that the one significant event in cosmic history that organic evolution by means of natural selection cannot explain is the Origin of Life itself; and so the question remains: Is there some greater purpose to it all, or no purpose at all?
*1 The “Big Bang” is a name given to a theory that has become the prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe. According to this theory, there was a primordial explosion, an enormous bang billions of years ago which brought our universe into existence.
*1 The “Big Bang” is a name given to a theory that has become the prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe. According to this theory, there was a primordial explosion, an enormous bang billions of years ago which brought our universe into existence.
Furthermore, considering the fact that what we know is infinitesimal compared to what we don’t know, it is reasonable to ask ourselves: Is there any other lens through which we can look at life? And could it be possible that life may actually be something much more than we know; something quite different from what we have thought it to be – a way more complex wholeness, yet simple enough to be understood if looked at from different angles and points of view – in particular through the terms of energy, frequency, vibration, consciousness, and awareness.
This brings us to the wonderful world of the Quantum*1 – it opens up a totally new level to our understanding of the world, which in turn brings a deeper understanding of life itself and its relation to the aforementioned energy, frequency, vibration, consciousness, and awareness.
*1 This area is explored in more detail in the section titled QUANTUM.
*1 This area is explored in more detail in the section titled QUANTUM.
You see, instead of a lonely void with isolated particles moving through it, space appears to be filled with connections and interconnected fields; these quantum fields are energy, manifesting into form when they intersect – this is why ideas, concepts and metaphors transform into a web of information and weaving, or to the world of dreams and infinite possibility. Let us explore this further and see where it takes us, shall we?
In the 20th century, a new science – Quantum Mechanics*1, the science of the very small, was discovered that didn’t obey any of the familiar classical rules. Most scientists believed that this new science was only relevant to the tiny particles of which atoms and molecules are composed.
*1 Quantum Mechanics, the science of the very small, describes how fundamental particles can be in one or several places at once, can pass through impenetrable barriers or possess instantaneous connections that are maintained over vast distances.
*1 Quantum Mechanics, the science of the very small, describes how fundamental particles can be in one or several places at once, can pass through impenetrable barriers or possess instantaneous connections that are maintained over vast distances.
But as the attention of 21st century biology turned to probing the dynamics of ever-smaller biological systems, something unusual began to emerge. This something is often coined as “quantum weirdness,” because particles can be in one or several places at once; can pass through impenetrable barriers; or possess instantaneous connections that are maintained over vast distances.
Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics, proposed in his 1944 book What Is Life?
that some of life must be ruled by quantum rather than classical rules. As expected, most biologists pretty much ignored Schrödinger’s proposal and continued to treat life as a complex chemical machine made of molecules; and so it seems that we as the collective human species are stuck in old, outdated & outmoded beliefs dating back to the nineteenth century, the time when scientists arrived at the conclusion that life was just an extraordinarily complex chemical reaction based on the principles of classical chemistry and physics.
Because we are so insistent on the assumption that life is nothing more than self-organizing chemistry – we fail to see the obvious. As a result, in today’s world, the prevailing belief is that we live in an unliving universe – meaning that all the models for the Origin of Life are pathological*1 in nature. As a result, the power of our belief affects the consensus reality*2 that we perceive and experience.
*1 Pathological comes from a Greek word, pathologikos, which means “treating of diseases” – pathos means “suffering.”
*2 Consensus reality refers to an agreed-upon concepts of reality which people in the world, or a culture or group believe are real (or treat as real), usually based upon their common experiences as they believe them to be. This means that our collective perception of reality is programmed to validate the beliefs we hold. In other words, consensus reality is a self-fulfilling prophecy, a limitation, a box – it defines our expectations, and because we only perceive what we expect to perceive, it limits us.
*1 Pathological comes from a Greek word, pathologikos, which means “treating of diseases” – pathos means “suffering.”
*2 Consensus reality refers to an agreed-upon concepts of reality which people in the world, or a culture or group believe are real (or treat as real), usually based upon their common experiences as they believe them to be. This means that our collective perception of reality is programmed to validate the beliefs we hold. In other words, consensus reality is a self-fulfilling prophecy, a limitation, a box – it defines our expectations, and because we only perceive what we expect to perceive, it limits us.
In a nutshell, the core belief is this: in the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing, and then this nothing magically exploded for no apparent reason creating everything, and then a bunch of everything mysteriously rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever – into self-replicating bits which then turned into living beings – makes perfect sense, does it not?
This kind of underlying belief reinforces another, much more harmful one: the belief that humans are nothing special in the context of the Cosmos – as if the Earth and its inhabitants were just a big “cosmic accident” of some sort; that humans were thrown randomly into this world, born by chance into a random environment – death being the end of everything.
Now, let us flip the script for a moment, shall we? If we really think about it, wouldn’t this then suggest that everything that exists is indeed a result of a miracle? Does it not, indeed, require a miracle to have living beings come out of non-living matter? There’s a certain irony in that every attempt to prove otherwise points directly to this truth. You see, if we were to calculate the probability of life existing at all, it would be so infinitesimal that the “accidental” or “coincidental” creation of our universe is an impossibility.
The improbable odds of life existing in the cosmos surely suggests that we are not the result of random chance, does it not? And yet, in spite of this, all too many continue to deny the obvious. Interestingly, there are but two ways of seeing life – like nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle – the choice is, obviously, yours, and yours only to make.
And here we cannot but arrive at the conclusion: those who are of the opinion that the creation of our universe, the Earth and its inhabitants is the result of a big “cosmic accident” of some sort, are clearly of the former bunch, are they not?
And now you may be wondering: How can something come out of nothing? Well, it can’t – not without a miracle, you see? The first step in understanding creation out of nothing or just simply ‘ex nihilo,’ is to learn to appreciate and understand paradox – accommodating different viewpoints within a broader perspective; seeing the opposites as complementary which are equally important parts of the whole.
You see, the wisdom lies in paradox: even if something contradicts itself, it can still be true; some would call this ‘coincidentia oppositorum,’ or just simply Unity of Opposites. A thing is both what it is and what it is not, and yet it somehow escapes contradiction – that’s how the Miracle of Life is possible – see?
This, of course, is the obvious part we have failed to see, or better yet, we have willingly disregarded it altogether – choosing ignorance over truth, blindness over sight, and in the end – darkness over light; after all, it makes many people uneasy, particularly because it would mean that there is a Creator – Truth we cannot handle, it seems.
It is simply astonishing how deep we have fallen into ignorance. This is fascinating to say the least because in so incredibly brief and short period of time our whole worldview has taken a drastic turn for the worse. This is to say that for most of human history the answer always was that Life was special; it was animated by some kind of Spirit, Soul, or just simply Life Force*1 – a Vital Spark that was absent from the non-living.
*1 Life Force has many different names in different parts of the world. In China it is called Qi, in Hawaii it is called Mana, in India it is called Prana, in Christianity in the Western world it is called the Holy Spirit.
*1 Life Force has many different names in different parts of the world. In China it is called Qi, in Hawaii it is called Mana, in India it is called Prana, in Christianity in the Western world it is called the Holy Spirit.
In the Western world, this view is called vitalism – it has a long history in medical philosophies: most traditional healing practices posited that disease results from some imbalance in vital forces. But somehow, by the end of the 19th century, vitalism was pretty much discredited by the discovery that living organisms are made from the same chemicals as the inanimate world – atoms and molecules of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and so on. Yet, no secret or magical ingredient was ever found.
From this, the question arises: Are we really to believe that living beings can come out of non-living matter? Are we really to believe that life can spontaneously come out of something that is not alive, without any reason, without any purpose, without the First Cause?*1 When we stop to think about this, it becomes clear that even the basic common sense says that Life can only come out of Life, and only Life can sustain Life.
*1 First cause, in philosophy, the self-created being (i.e., God) to which every chain of causes must ultimately go back.
*1 First cause, in philosophy, the self-created being (i.e., God) to which every chain of causes must ultimately go back.
The undeniable truth is that although various aspects of life can be manipulated in many ways, we cannot create Life or consciousness where it doesn’t already exist. In other words, it’s not possible for us to create Life in a lab – just for the simple fact that we cannot create Life Force; we cannot create a new Soul; we cannot create consciousness nor its underlying awareness.
And with this, we arrive at an astonishing conclusion: if we cannot create Life in a lab from scratch, with the same building blocks that Life uses to create multitudes of life forms we find on Earth, would it not then mean that the core essence of our being is not found in matter?
This leads us to a staggering conclusion: the gift of Life is passed on – this is why we have babies, to continue as a species – see? Against this backdrop, it is reasonable to ask ourselves: What is Life, really? It is worth noting that here we use the word “Life” – emphasis on the capital letter; more on this later.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
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