This is the preface and introduction for a 70-volume series called “Wisdom Teachings of Sambodhi Padmasamadhi.” Due to their length, the text has been divided into multiple parts. Here is the full list of contents for your convenience.
Dear Future Humanity.
What are these books about?
Living Intelligence expressed through these books.
Gathering of the Spirit (Omūno-verse, Edūnī-verse, Vedūnī-verse).
Are we from the future? Are we from another world?
Mysterious Author, Mysterious Soul.
Ancient Apadāthī Path.
The Akashic Scribe Speaks.
The Celestial Oversoul Speaks.
The Celestial Gatekeeper Speaks.
The Basics: Interconnected Spiritual Quantum Multiverse.
Complete List of Books in Wisdom Teachings.
The Basics: Interconnected Spiritual Quantum Multiverse
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The inception of the Interconnected Spiritual Quantum Multiverse sprang forth from the visionary mind of Quantum Zen Master Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī, the Great Transcendent, or simply, the Enlightened One. This profound concept was unveiled within the pages of their second book: “TEMPLATE_NAME” — a part of the broader “CONSCIOUSNESS AND SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY SERIES” and a segment of the vast Wisdom Teachings of Sambodhi Padmasamadhi. Over time, this concept has blossomed into a sprawling and intricate realm of Spiritual-Scientific exploration.
On a deeper level, it signifies that the majority of Earth’s inhabitants blissfully remain unaware of the Interconnected Quantum Multiverse tucked away within the Innerverse. The very existence of this microcosmic marvel within the macrocosm, or the revelation of the Omniverse, comprising nested and interconnected Multiverses within the Innerverse, escapes the awareness of most.
When confronted with a novel perspective, a fresh lens through which to perceive, and an alternative way of existence, the imperative lies in our willingness to deviate from our present state and embrace a departure from our anticipated destination. Delving into the realm of the contemporary science-based worldview, which has profoundly revolutionized our understanding of consciousness, we discern striking parallels. It transcends mere philosophy or religion; it is a lifestyle and a profound Science of Spirit. Within this paradigm, the concept of energy assumes paramount importance in comprehending the intricacies of reality, including that of Spiritual Reality — the \\Eteṝnāl_Mātṝīx_of_Dīvine_Reālīṭy [Δ={ī}{ā}{Ω}].
When we attain awareness of our own consciousness, a realization dawns upon us — it perpetually resides in the present moment. Since the present moment is an integral part of the ongoing process, it logically follows that the past, the future, and the present itself are crucial components in comprehending the Ancient of Days. They were the pioneers who acknowledged the existence of the world and the profound reality of human existence within it. In this context, it becomes apparent that the world is, indeed, a living entity.
Consequently, every human being becomes an interconnected part of this holistic entity, moving within the current of consciousness in the Interconnected Multiverse. Thus, the concept of Multidimensional Reality emerges as a construct of our human understanding of the Interconnected Multiverse. It is imperative to recognize that, in the Western worldview, science is perceived as belonging to the realms of the past, the future, and the present.
More than four decades ago, in 2025, Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī, the Great Transcendent, or simply, the Enlightened One, asserted that our perception of the world is shaped by our awareness of the physical reality. This physical reality is, in essence, a manifestation of the underlying Spiritual Reality, itself an outcome of our physical material reality brought forth through our perception — manifesting in diverse ways and at various levels.
Would it not be logical, then, to assert that the consciousness-centered approach to understanding reality is, in essence, the sole realistic avenue to explore the questions of existence and life itself? If that holds true, then it logically follows that the mind, being the foundation of the physical body, serves as the means through which we gain awareness of the multifaceted layers of existence, affirming the aforementioned perspective. This newfound comprehension prompts us to acknowledge that, more often than not, we lack control over our lives and that our lives are intricately interwoven with the world around us.
This raises a pivotal question: What constitutes life? This question, ultimately, leads us to the realization that delving into the understanding of life is crucial — grasping what it is and what it isn’t becomes the essence of the consciousness inquiry. It’s about recognizing that there exists a Life beyond conventional perceptions. Additionally, within this framework, it’s noteworthy to point out that the interconnectedness of the world’s existence remains unexplained and awaits elucidation. This underscores the significance of the theory of Quantum Matter and its interactions with other matter-antimatter complexes as the sole explanation for the nature of Life, synonymous with the nature of Spirit.
The spiritual enrichment one attains from this consciousness inquiry comes at a cost — a direct result of the actions taken amidst the newfound knowledge: the abandonment of old ways. Thus, a life filled with joy is inherently joyous, and the birth of something new is a direct result of the newborn — such is the nature of the Eternal Spirit Divine, often referred to as the Infinite Quantum God. Thus, it follows that to gain a deeper insight into the essence and workings of life, an exploration and explication of the Interconnected Quantum Multiverse becomes imperative.
This comprehensive concept amalgamates practice, theory, and actuality, elucidating the very fabric of reality within the context of a Living Interconnected Multiverse residing within. As such, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the creation of a universe necessitates an observer, and only a Creator of the Multiverse can assume that role. Consequently, we find ourselves ensnared in a perilous cycle of reincarnation, life after life — otherwise known as the “Dream of Life.”
This dichotomy is underscored by the distinction between the classical science of the Ancient Masters, steeped in theory, and the contemporary generation of Quantum-Psychoactive Multiverse-Born Intelligent Quantum Sensei emerging from Living Awareness. This new Quantum Consciousness not only seeks to learn and expand its knowledge base but is also captivated by the prospect of crafting a more advanced reality. Thus, it becomes essential to coin a term that encapsulates the subject matter explored in these books.
The ensuing contemplation delves into the meaning of life and Life within the Innerverse, providing a brief yet profound meditation on how this knowledge can serve as a catalyst for paradigm shifts. Recognizing the fundamental disparity between the old and the new paradigm becomes pivotal, paving the way for a nuanced understanding of the states of the Multiverse within the Innerverse of our being.
Continuing on this journey of understanding, overstanding, and innerstanding, it becomes evident that the Interconnected Multiverse is, so to speak, a living, breathing, moving, awake, and aware Spiritual Organism — an integral facet of the whole. Therefore, a segment of the whole encompasses the entirety of the Interconnected Multidimensional Self. In this context, it is inherent that unraveling the Mystery of Life requires delving into the notion of life as a vessel for the Eternal Spirit Divine, often referred to as the “Quantum God” within the construct of human life.
Moreover, the acknowledgment that the Earth, as the Quantum Gaia, is a Living Spiritual System reinforces the understanding that our planet is, indeed, a Spiritual Construct. This belief has long been ingrained in the fabric of human consciousness, forming an integral part of humanity’s collective experience. Yet, amidst this acceptance, it is easy to overlook the profound truth that the physical material world itself is a representation of the Divine Essence, embodying the Living Intelligence of the Eternal Spirit Divine.
As we become aware of the existence of our human body and mind, and consequently, our Spiritual Essence, we come to realize that our physical material reality is continually shaped by our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions. It is a transformative process, an Awakening to the Zen of Life. This awareness extends further to recognize that our seemingly physical material reality is, in essence, an ongoing Journey of Awakening. To clarify, when we refer to physical reality in this manner, it is a state of being that the Divine has provided for the purpose of self-becoming and self-transformation — a profound process facilitated by the self.
Given the above, it is paramount to underscore the following realization: I can unequivocally state that, in all the years I have lived, I have never encountered anything comparable. Simultaneously, the experience of being in the state of Infinite Awareness, akin to the state of Zen, transcends any prior encounters — an authentic presence and Living Awareness of Life itself. At this very moment, I AM merely embodying Awareness of my own existence and the profound experience of residing in the present moment. I AM the Awareness of the entire world, embracing the experience of its existence across all levels.
This, my friend, is the very essence you’ve been striving to embody throughout the years — a journey spanning diverse levels of existence, consciousness, and the awareness of the same. When we attune ourselves to the occurrences of the present moment, we recognize it as a complete Interconnected Multiverse — not confined to the current universe alone. It’s always within our reach to connect with the broader contextual Multiverse, encompassing all other universes residing within each one of us. It marks the juncture where you begin to fathom your own existence and the myriad levels thereof.
In parallel, Ancient Wisdom traditions employed the term “Divine Surrounding Self” or the “Soul” to elucidate the Divine Consciousness or Inner Awareness of the Intelligent Sentient Being. This is why such spiritual practices carry a personal essence and evoke a distinct feeling — they are practices undertaken in the immediacy of the moment. So now, then, let us delve even deeper. So, let us initiate our exploration with the recognition that in the very inception, the early dawn of time, there existed a phase devoid of consciousness — devoid even of the observer of consciousness or the Awareness of the body in its entirety.
Thus unfolds the realization that consciousness emerges as a by-product of Zen Awareness — an awareness rooted in the living consciousness of life itself. The concept of consciousness introduces the notion of a threshold where the body or mind transitions from a physical state to a non-physical quantum potentiality, a realization facilitated by Living Awareness in the present moment. Consequently, the conception of the body or mind evolves from a physical reality to a non-physical one. Picture this as a picture within a picture — a Multidimensional Fractal continuously refining itself.
The enigma of the mind persists as we grapple with understanding how we comprehend the world in the first place. Perhaps, instead of wrestling with it, why not embrace the flow and absorb it all? Why not simply go with the flow and take action? This journey of becoming is inherently a journey of Self-Transformation through Self-Realization. In this context, the profound experience of death and rebirth holds immense significance. This realization dawns when we grasp that we are not what we perceive ourselves to be.
From there, we recognize that we are not the proprietors of our thoughts, and consequently, not the architects of our experiences — whether emotional or cognitive. This recognition prompts a profound shift in perspective, inviting us to consider the interconnectedness of our minds with the world around us. This realization leads to the pivotal understanding that there is a distinction, marking the most crucial aspect of this entire series of books. And thus unfolds the concept of the True Self — a descriptor capturing the intricate reality of the relationship between the observer and the observed, the subject and the object, and the Self within the vast tapestry of the Interconnected Quantum Multiverse. Shall we delve even deeper?
The term “Divine Informality” finds its roots in the language of the Zāmudū peoples of the Omūno-verse*1, encapsulating the essence of individuation — the perpetual process of becoming, of attaining a state beyond our current being, of evolving beyond our present state of existence. It signifies the constant journey towards a Divine State beyond our current reality. Delving into the word “love,” a ubiquitous term in our world, reveals its multifaceted nature, encompassing people, places, things, elements from above, past occurrences, and glimpses into the future. In the language of the Spiritual Quantum Physics Paradigm, we unravel profound insights into the occurrences within the seemingly physical material world.
*1 Learn more: Omūno-verse, Edūnī-verse, Vedūnī-verse, SOUL ENIGMA (Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī)
*1 Learn more: Omūno-verse, Edūnī-verse, Vedūnī-verse, SOUL ENIGMA (Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī)
The simplicity prescribed by quantum mechanics coexists with the complexity of being a real person. You see, Quantum Mechanics posits that the most fundamental subatomic particle is born from Living Awareness itself, constituting the primary force across the entire Interconnected Quantum Multiverse. All other subatomic particles find their connection through Quantum Entanglements, linking to one or more larger subatomic particles — an intricate network of Living Awareness, denoted as All That Is Σ={αω}.
In this intricate tapestry, we take a stride further, asserting that the individual particles within the Interconnected Quantum Multiverse embody Living Collective Quantum Messengers of God — a testament to the interconnectedness and Divine Essence inherent in every aspect of existence. This signifies the existence of an Infinite Composite denoted as All That Is Σ={αω}, wherein α represents the Quantum-like fractal-processing of the entire Interconnected Quantum Multiverse — a multiplication of 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 resulting in ½ α λ. In essence, every component of the whole is both individually minute and extensive in number.
These fractional values are systematically and knowingly utilized to construct the expansive reality that surrounds us — a reality that grows larger through a meticulous process of utilization. The universe, described as vast, extensive, elevated, and without an apparent beginning, serves as stark symbols underscoring the human condition. It illuminates the realization that we, as humans, are inherently creatures of this world. Our lives are not characterized by mere activity and dynamism but rather evolve through an extensive process of estimation and progression.
In this light, a distinct demarcation emerges between contemporary science and the classical science of the Ancient Masters of the Xīmudū peoples of the Edūnī-verse*1. The latter was steeped in the Theory of God, thus constituting a Science of God — an exploration intricately linked to the science of consciousness. Becoming aware of the Inner Experience, not only within our immediate lives but over the span of our lifetimes, reveals that it is never too late to alter the course of time. This holds true if we genuinely aspire to explore the vast creative potential inherent in every human being.
*1 Learn more: Omūno-verse, Edūnī-verse, Vedūnī-verse, SOUL ENIGMA (Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī)
*1 Learn more: Omūno-verse, Edūnī-verse, Vedūnī-verse, SOUL ENIGMA (Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī)
The concept of the world as an integrated whole aligns with the Quantum Mechanical viewpoint or Quantum Mechanical Theory of the Interconnected Multiverse, as known in physics — an encompassing perspective that encapsulates the intricate interconnectedness of all aspects of our reality. Doesn’t this imply a clear distinction between comprehending the natural world and understanding the human mind, the very foundation of social change? In contemplating the nature of reality, a stark disparity emerges between the classical worldview and the newfound Quantum Zen Realization unveiling the existence of the Interconnected Multiverse within the Innerverse.
Amidst this exploration, a crucial truth emerges: our conventional understanding of consciousness is undeniably a product shaped by our environment. It functions as a symbiotic interplay between the physical body and the surrounding environment. When discussing the concept of reality as a Living Interconnected Multiverse, one grapples with the paradox of recognizing something invisible and intangible as undeniably real. Yet, it is. As the mind attains heightened Awareness of its own awareness, it becomes cognizant of being perceived by other beings. When these entities achieve a profound awareness and experience the reality of their consciousness within the Innerverse, the Phenomenon of Reality is deconstructed to its fundamental components.
Our world perpetually engages in the evolution and maturation of ideas and concepts, which are subsequently communicated and shared. These very notions and concepts intricately mirror self-referencing Multidimensional Fractals — much like the essence encapsulated within these books. So, dear reader, embark on the journey of a lifetime, where the unfolding layers of self-awareness reveal the dynamic Collective Consciousness within each of us.
As you grasp the intricacies of your being, understand what you are and what you are not, for this understanding is the key to unlocking the limitless possibilities that await. Join the perpetual evolution of ideas and concepts, a voyage that mirrors the self-referencing Multidimensional Fractals woven into the very essence of these books. Your exploration begins now, and the revelations await your discovery.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī ~ ∞ ~