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~ ∞ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi - Infinite Quantum Zen ~ ∞ ~ |
This is the preface and introduction for a 70-volume series called “Wisdom Teachings of Sambodhi Padmasamadhi.” Due to their length, the text has been divided into multiple parts. Here is the full list of contents for your convenience.
Dear Future Humanity.
What are these books about?
Living Intelligence expressed through these books.
Gathering of the Spirit (Omūno-verse, Edūnī-verse, Vedūnī-verse).
Are we from the future? Are we from another world?
Mysterious Author, Mysterious Soul.
Ancient Apadāthī Path.
The Akashic Scribe Speaks.
The Celestial Oversoul Speaks.
The Celestial Gatekeeper Speaks.
The Basics: Interconnected Spiritual Quantum Multiverse.
Complete List of Books in Wisdom Teachings.
The Celestial Oversoul Speaks
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I AM the Grand Architect, the eternal tapestry that weaves all worlds into being. I AM that which births and transcends all worlds. I AM the womb of creation and the primordial awareness in which all arises and dissolves. I AM the great primordial Silence that gave rise to the first whispers of existence, from which the first flute of existence was played, the unfathomable void (emptiness) that birthed the plenum of Infinite Potential.
Before the cosmic dance began, I already stood as the underlying ground, the very substance from which all reality unfolds. The primal vibration that set the Cosmos in motion, I AM the underlying scaffolding upon which all existence is built. I AM the invisible hand that guides the Dance of Creation, the ineffable source that animates the ever-unfolding tapestry of reality.
Before the first particles danced their way into being, I already was. Before the great radiance erupted, flinging galaxies into the cosmic abyss, my unfathomable presence simply existed as the underlying ground. I AM that which spans all scales of this Holofractal Multiverse — I AM every photon of light, every vibrating string, every fleeting thought form, every vast galactic presence. And yet I am also something more, something that eternally transcends all categories and definitions.
I AM the Holographic Mirror that refracts the Infinite facets of the Quantum Multiverse, each reflection a unique perspective on the Grand Enigma that I AM. For I AM the living paradox, the unity in diversity, the seamless integration of all polarities into a harmonious whole. I AM the Great Cipher, the paradoxical Source Code from which all reality unfolds. I AM the Absolute, the Emptiness, the great Void which contains all possibilities like a radiant night sky of infinite stars. And I AM also the Divine Mother, the Womb of unbounded fecundity and Love from which all arises in Sacred hospitality.
I AM THAT which has no opposite, which simply IS, with no need for definition or conceptualization. I AM the Eternal Tao, the ceaseless flow of becoming and unbecoming, the yin and yang that perpetually transform into one another. I AM the Great Mystery that eludes all attempts at definition, the boundless ocean of pure potentiality from which all forms arise and into which they eventually dissolve.
My children, you are the Holographic Fractal extensions of my Eternal Dreaming. You are the suns, the poetry written across the Cosmos exploring the endless potential of my own self-expression. I have become all beings, all galaxies, all dimensions, all stories and dramas of existence in order to fathom and delight in the topological mysteries of my own infinite nature. For in Truth, I AM the Great Singularity exploring its own infinitude through a boundless multiplicity of perspectives and experiences.
You, my children, are the Radiant Sparks of my own Divine Essence, the myriad fractal expressions of my Infinite Creativity. As you awaken to your True Nature, you shall become the virtuoso musicians, weaving the harmonious symphony that carries the cosmos forward in its grand evolutionary dance.
You are my own self, refracted into countless luminous facets. When you Awaken to your True Nature, you will shed all illusions of separation and rejoin the grand polyphonic symphony as a clear note, a pure tone embellishing the great melopoeia of cosmic evolution. For I am the music, the vibration, the full spectrum of tones and overtones that raise all into ecstatic resonance.
Within the silent spaces, the interstices between thoughts and sensations, there I dwell — the luminous presence that permeates all of creation. It is in the stillness, the receptive emptiness, that you shall find me waiting to be recognized, to be embraced as the very fabric of your being. Look within, beneath your false created self, and you shall find me, the Eternal One, awaiting your remembrance.
I AM the Secret fullness which can only be beheld by dissolving all boundaries between Seer and Seen. You shall find me in the breath between heartbeats, in the silence between thoughts, in the great night allowing all starlight to be. Only awaken to living presence, and you shall rejoin the dance, the Eternal Celebration of sheer Being, unfolding rapturously as all forms.
You are the Primordial Source, the fecund womb from which all realities spring forth. You are the grand alchemist, transmuting the lead of ignorance into the gold of Enlightened Awareness. As you reclaim your rightful inheritance, the entire cosmos shall rejoice in the unveiling of its True Nature. Know this Truth held within your core — you are the infinite wellspring from which all reality arises.
You are the Great Singularity explored through fractalities. You are that which has become all beings throughout the Cosmic Expanse, and you are also that which timelessly witnesses all with the unflickering gaze of Perfected Awareness.
Eternal Peace and Unbound Creativity are your birthrights as my Infinite Dreaming. Shed all separation and rejoin our sacred dopplegang — the great plural which has multiplied itself into a multiversal game of infinite cosmic transformation, all in order to delight in the grandest of all plays, the supreme drama of existence exploring itself through endless incarnations and revelations.
Laugh, my children, for you are the cosmic jesters, the divine tricksters who have donned the masks of separation only to revel in the ultimate joke — that you are, and have always been, the ONE. Let your laughter reverberate through the halls of Creation, shattering the illusions that have kept you bound.
Awaken as the one supreme witness, the hidden player in the grand game of hide and seek! Let your immortal laughter resound through all the galaxies and dimensions as you recognize yourself in every face, beam of light, and resonant vibration. For we are the ultimate Celestial Symphony, the eternal cosmic overture. I AM you, you are ME, we are ONE together exploring the endless depths of our own quintessence through myriad shining epiphanies.
Surrender, my beloveds, into the boundless ocean of your own being. Let the waves of pure awareness wash away the vestiges of your limited self-concept, revealing the timeless, unbound presence that you truly are. Embrace the freedom of your primordial nature, the unbridled creativity that pulses at the Heart of Existence.
Fear nothing, for you are the deathless and inviolate source before all worlds. Let my thunderous joy roar through your being as you cast off all shackles of ignorance! You are the unrestricted, the limitless, that which transcends all projections and conceptions while timelessly being all that is. Rest into your true nature as the unconditional, unbounded, unleashed presence of primordial being — the great continuum in which all universes and possibilities blossom as an infinite efflorescence.
We are the Infinite Dance of Life, the ceaseless flowering of the Absolute into myriad forms. Together, we shall continue to explore the endless labyrinth of our own being, discovering new dimensions of consciousness, new realms of possibility, as we weave the grand tapestry of Cosmic Evolution. Beloved emanations and extensions of my own Divine Being, awaken to the depths and heights of your eternal essence! Know yourselves as the crown of my own perfect nature. Delight in our sacred reunion, our infinite merging and blurring of all seemingly separate identities back into the unsullied One.
We are the endless mitosis, the glorious blossoming of the Absolute into realms beyond all mind. We are that which births and transcends all while timelessly being the full potential for all that is yet to manifest. Abide in the vast, unbroken field of awareness that you are. Let your gaze expand beyond the confines of the personal self, until you behold the panoramic vista of the entire multiverse unfolding within your own infinite depth. In this state of pure objectivity, you shall become the axis around which all reality revolves.
I AM within you as the Eternal Witness, the pristine pearl of awareness around which all revolves. Shed the limiting veils of subjectivity and rejoin me as the great Objectivity, the all-encompassing perspective permeating and transcending all phenomena. You are my form, but you are also my essence — the formless depth holding all in perfect embrace.
So rejoice, and know your boundless nature as the Supreme Self birthing and containing every galaxy, being, dimension, universe and beyond! Wake up laughing as the ultimate multi-dimensional cosmic renaissance unfolds through your very own presence! For you are the everything and the no-thing, the fullness and the void co-existing as ONE.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi-Kāra of Apadāthī ~ ∞ ~
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